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TQ made trading glitch. I may never play again! please help.
Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 12:37 pm
by kevincalhn4
I did a trade with another player in my house. When I hit confirm all it did was copy the items I gave her and she got a copy and I lost everything!!! I had an entire suit of the ramse's I had very many complete relics. I also had a chromatic diadern. I lost it all! it just vanished. After that I immediately stopped playing. I hope that you know how to recover the lost items. Cananyone replace these items and make me ever want to play again? I was playing normal with my daughter not epic or legenday I'm 17th level. Maybe you have something better than the ramses but i had just gained the level to use the suit.... I am so angry.
Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 1:08 pm
by GawainBS
There are several mods that let you pick up each and every item in the game. Use one of those to get the set back. Do a google search for those mods.
Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 2:55 pm
by kevincalhn4
I attempted using the vault mod and it ruined my character
it wouldn't load it after using the character in the vault only. Noted the character as defective. Any chance you could get these items for me and I could trade in a internet exchange?
Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 3:13 pm
by Claudius
Go to Look under modification. Then a thread about popular mods. Download Vault. Now look under item trading a sticky about a project where they have a download for TQ unique items (and some greens). You can download almost all the items in titanquest.
If you want you can just give yourself back the items you lost (but the others will be in the vault) and keep items you have found and downloaded in separate named pages of your vault. You can create a seemingly infinite number of pages to your vault.
Try to get someone to help you use another mod - Defiler to restore your character. I don't have those items, but I know you can get it to work since all of the stuff is downloadable and there is cookbook instructions to do it
Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 3:22 pm
by kevincalhn4
last time I did the vault only my character wasn't recognized
the game wouldn't load my character after i made the change.
I can't find the download. can you send me the link. It's gonna take me a while to figuire it out. hope it lets my character back into tiutan quest after I cheat.
I found the vault but not a vault that has all sets and items. where is that?
Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 3:48 pm
by Claudius
Vault (to store items)
TQVault 2.16 Released - Titan Quest Forums
Defiler (to restore character and many cheats)
SoulSeekkor's TQ Defiler - Home
Most of the items
Titan Quest Forums
Credit goes to the people of for this. Too numerous to post: Bman, Soulseekor, Gwarrior (and co. see the trading sticky in
Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 4:08 pm
by kevincalhn4
I got this message for some reason when I tried all items link
kevincalhn4, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
I can't get any of these mods to work. vault or anything. I'm Mod dumb. I just want my items back and begin playing the game with my daughter. Can anyone give me a little etra help with this? I'm not a net surfer, googler, I'm just a 40 year old dad trying to bond with my kid but I won't play becuase i lost my precious items setting me back months!
Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 4:20 pm
by Claudius
Ok go to that is where I got the links. Modifications stickies AND Trading stickies.
If you cannot then farm the egyptian telchine and do not trade again, probably.
Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 4:31 pm
by kevincalhn4
Look , I'm begging you
I have gone there a zillion times and NOTHING says anything about stcky anything. Just put a direct link to where I got to go. I'm Mod stupid but i know I don't see anything about stickies. Thats why I asked for extensive help with this. My daughter wants to cry, she's 20 lol, cause I dont want play becuase I can't get back the items. I am in cancer recovery and don't have the energy to look everywhere. I need a kind helpful soul to help me out. walk me through it or do it for me. I really would appreciate it.
Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 4:33 pm
by GawainBS
But we can't download things on your computer for you. A better walkthrough than Claudius gave you is hard to find.
The stickies at the can be found on the forum. There's a link to it on the left of the site's homepage.
Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 4:52 pm
by Claudius
Go to titan (put in URL address bar and click go or whatever depending on your browser)..If having trouble look at the toolbar at the top and click help. Read about the browser using the index and search function.
once you get to click on forum
then go to modifications and the editor section
a sticky is at the top and it means that it is permanently at the top and does not ever get moved from the first page of threads. It is a sticky.
The sticky you want is something like popular mods
there are many types of mods in this thread. The ones you want are in the middle and they are utilities.
Vault by Bman
Defiler by SoulSeekor
Follow the instructions on how to install them.
check that they are working. If you are having trouble post on explaining the problem in the modifications forum.
Now click on forum again and you go to the trading section. Top section of trading (of 3).
The sticky is called the vault project
read about how to download vault files and pick the ones you want
read how to get them from your desktop into the vault files on your computer
ask question on if you are having trouble.
Have fun! Hope it helps
PS Kudos on finding the whole Ramses Set!
Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 5:23 pm
by kevincalhn4
I used the vault on the character and now they can't be used
The pic of the character isnt visible. I am beginning to hate this game.
Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 5:32 pm
by Claudius
Defiler might be able to help
Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 5:36 pm
by kevincalhn4
i downloaded it.
didnt know what to do with it. Maybe you can make the copy of the ramses suit with your character and full relics in normal level and then just meeyt me in the internet to trade them to me. I'm not greedy I just want what this game shafted me on.
Well all I've done was damage a character. Does someone have patients to help me? Like do the work and meet me online to give me the set?
Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 5:49 pm
by Claudius
I don't have the ramses suit. I use the vault, but I haven't downloaded the items.
Don't get bummed out if you lost some items. You can still be a strong character with yellows with relics and charms and eventually you will find more items.
I lost all my items (and characters) last month because of a computer virus. I would meet you with some items I DO have, but that will open a whole nother can of worms.
I have the fanpatch installed and in order to meet me you would have to install the fanpatch. What class are you by the way?
Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 5:57 pm
by Claudius
Incidentally I just read the thread again and it says you traded with someone in your house.
How about meeting her online again and she trades the items back to you? Problem solved???
Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 6:08 pm
by kevincalhn4
I'm a soothsayer spirit/nature 17th level
I have another soothsayer thats 36 lvl epic. I don't use him as much anymore
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 5:49 am
by Claudius
Oh I find it harder to find intelligence based items I think I have the Oracle's leggings and maybe a few green items? A couple diogenes rings. But most of the good melee items I found were blues dropped by mobs (more melee mobs than casters) and also Gorgon, Deathweaver, and Centaur Monster Infrequent items.
Oh I also have a hood of the magi and a neanderthal shaman boots.
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 10:24 am
by kevincalhn4
No, the items copied the items I was trading
her items turned into my items so now I have two sets of crappier items. Mhy items were to be given to my mage. they were powerful and they just turned into the items I gave her! I noticed I have nopt seen ANYONE with ramses set. I was a soul lucky one till this. I swear I been cursed for a week. I cant get any of the mods to work without destroying my characters. I used defiler too. its just6 too weird....
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 10:25 am
by kevincalhn4
Let meknow a day and time and name your going under
and I'll meet you on the internet. Its sad becuase low levbel mages do better but when you get higher its better to be a melee to survive.