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I'm a soothsayer and need skill placement advice

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 10:23 am
by kevincalhn4
I'm 37 level. I keep getting in areas where I need to drink potions all the time now. I'm playing epic single player. what do you recommend I place the skill points to help me become a one man army, well plus a death liche, wolves, nymph. My liche is always running out of energy and the wolves die. I'm only a mage and they run to beat me up no one else. What do you recommend I invest in?

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 1:43 pm
by Claudius
I've never played soothsayer. I'll take a stab...

TitanCalc by stonedonkey - A Titan Quest Calculator - Soothsayer

Definitely a lot of points to fill in...

TitanCalc by stonedonkey - A Titan Quest Calculator - Soothsayer

Petless with a staff of Harrowing shooting point blank ternion and plague with attack damage converted to health (anubis relic)

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 2:13 pm
by Siberys

Please use the search function in the future as there are a few examples of how to build a soothsayer already available. As the administrator prefers not to have duplicate threads, I'm going to close this one.

Just remember to use the search function, it's at the top right of the titan quest forum right under the "Page X of XX" links.