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Need help with immortal throne

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 1:37 pm
by Hansomatic
Hi I just finished titan quest and started thre expansion immortal throne. The first quest is to go to the Ixian woods and find the sorceress and in order to do so I have to kill the two gate keepers and open the gates to get to the town. I have killed them over and over but I still cant open the gate.What am I doing wrong Im really stuck here now. I cant get to the next town Medea's grove. Please help me and tell me what im doing wrong I would greatly appreciate that.
Thank you
By the way I am new to this game and im trying to get a hang of it.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 4:03 pm
by Claudius
The gate should open when you kill the two trees :confused:

Theres more traffic on Someone there can probably tell you what to delete that could fix his quests or something... I would just post in Immortal Throne gameplay section.

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 1:20 am
by Siberys
@Hansomatic- please don't start a second thread with the exact same question when the first thread has an answer with some advice already in it. Double posting in general here is already against the rules, not to mention the fact that your question has already been answered that you might be better off asking Titan Quest dot net people as they handle glitches like this all the time.

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 2:53 am
by Hansomatic
Claudius wrote:The gate should open when you kill the two trees :confused:

Theres more traffic on Someone there can probably tell you what to delete that could fix his quests or something... I would just post in Immortal Throne gameplay section.
Sorry I tried but it says i have no permission to post and I dont know why.
I also have a problem to chat. I hit the " T " key and I typeand hit enter but nobody hears me I played Diablo 2 for many years and it is real easy there what am I doing wrong? Can some one exactly tell me every key stroke I have to make to chat. Thanx that would be alot of help then I could ask in the game for help rather then comming here. Thank you

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 10:58 am
by Siberys
Are you registered at Titan, as you won't have permission until you register much like you are registered here.