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Some noob questions

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 4:49 pm
by DMG
OK - I played vanilla TQ for about 45 lvls before I grabbed IT and started it right after I finished Olympus on Epic lvl - so first time I loaded up IT I found out there's a whole new set of lvls AFTER Olympus - GREAT!!

Doing OK I guess - drops suck mostly and I am in the Plains of Judgement right now trying to find all the stones to open Hades Treasure. I have Frost and Venom but I can't for the life of me find Fire and Soul. Is it worth it at all to find Hades Treasure or should I just soldier on???

Also - they reconfigured the item slots for your character in IT and added a new one that I can't figure out the use for - its the square one on the bottom left of the char. window. WTF is it for???


Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 5:18 pm
by Siberys
I have Frost and Venom but I can't for the life of me find Fire and Soul. Is it worth it at all to find Hades Treasure or should I just soldier on???
Actually, the other two you find later on as you traverse Hades. IIRC it's supposed to be a side quest that lasts most of the act.
Also - they reconfigured the item slots for your character in IT and added a new one that I can't figure out the use for - its the square one on the bottom left of the char. window. WTF is it for???
Artifacts. If you get a scroll that says it requires certain types of relics/charms or even other artifacts, you use those ingredients and the scroll itself at one of the shop owners (with a lightning bolt above its head), you'll get a sphere that you can place in that slot.

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 6:36 pm
by DMG
Siberys wrote:Actually, the other two you find later on as you traverse Hades. IIRC it's supposed to be a side quest that lasts most of the act.
AHHH - cool thx

Siberys wrote:Artifacts. If you get a scroll that says it requires certain types of relics/charms or even other artifacts, you use those ingredients and the scroll itself at one of the shop owners (with a lightning bolt above its head), you'll get a sphere that you can place in that slot.
ah yes - the arcane formulae - hadnt found all the components to complete one yet so wasnt sure


Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 4:48 pm
by Claudius
I always got better stuff from endlessly killing trash mobs than I did from the Hades vault. I don't think I ever got an item that I equipped on a character :mad: