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Patch Problem - Security on Disk read
Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 2:50 pm
by Lancelot012
When I patch the game I bought one month ago (KB-Legend) with the 1.7 patch, it will not run. I get an error message saying that I do not have the correct CD/Disk in.
Has anyone heard of this before?
If I don't patch, it works OK. I don't think my video card actually meets the minimums but the game does play, just slowly.
Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:38 pm
by fable
I would suggest that this is a problem you should report in the developer's tech forum. I'm sure they'll reply and help you out.
Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 3:20 pm
by Andy1228
Try updating your video card driver. IF that doesn't work reinstall the game, saving your games of course, and patch up to 1.6. Is the 1.7 patch really important?
Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 1:30 am
by deepblue9000
I had this same problem. There is a post by dmcmullen44 over on the official forums that showed me how to deal with it. Here is the thread:
Game wouldnt work after patch 1.7 and 1.65! - Official 1C Company forum
What I did was look in the King's Bounty DVD. Inside the /bin/ folder, there is a file called "kb.exe". I replaced the exe file in the game's directory on my hard disk with this file. After that, everything worked fine.
I hope this solution works for you too. In case it doesn't, be sure to rename the old kb.exe file before you copy the new one. That way you can undo the change.
Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 2:18 am
by deepblue9000
Oh, and keep in mind that the patch version 1.7 currently released is only for the European retail version of the game distributed by Nobilis. Don't apply the patch if you have the US retail version of the game distributed by Atari. The 1.7 patch for the US will be out soon.