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When a weapon just isn't very assertive.

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2001 1:13 pm
by Quest Master
In BG1, with the latest patch applied to both systems, during a multiplayer game with no other /overrides, I receive the following crash and error when I attack something:

Assertation Failed: Weapon Probablity, line number ~15000.

No hacked items, no imported items, no cheats whatsoever. This issue started last night.

Installation process was: BG1, ToSC, Patch.

I am running Windows 2000. The game is compatible with Windows 2k, however, as I have played it before on this OS.

I have read the Interplay BG1 Tech FAQ and have searched this board for this issue.

Any ideas?
Thanks ahead of time, I appreciate all replies even if they do not resolve the issue.

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2001 8:02 am
by ThorinOakensfield
My opinion is that windows 2k is really bad. Thats proabably the problem. Only other things to try is to buy another copy, see if that works and if it doesn't return it, hopefull tehy would accept it.

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2001 12:37 pm
by Imnesvale
Direct X 8 makes windows 2k able to run almost any game... install it and then reinstall baldursgate and the expansion!