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When should I go to Ulgoth's Beard

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2001 6:11 am
by zeyk
I just saved the dukes in the palace and was teleported to the thieves guild. Should I go to Ulgoth's Beard now, or will I be able to do so later? It seems unnatural that I would break pursuit of Sarevok at this point since I'm hot on his heels. But I don't want to miss out on the expansion areas.



Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2001 6:19 am
by Gruntboy
If you don't go now, you're pursuit will soon end by facing Sarevok. After that youwill have to kill Sarevok and import your characters into ToSC, so you may as well break off now.


Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2001 6:36 am
by zeyk
Thanks! I'll have to allow Sarevok to live a little longer.

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2001 10:27 am
by Xyx
Take your time; he's not going anywhere. ;)

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2001 11:21 am
by Worldfrog
If and when you play again, try going to Ulgoth's Beard before you complete everything in Baldur's Gate city. Durlag's Tower is a monster, but it's got the best treasures in the whole game and turns the city into practically a cakewalk.

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2001 1:32 pm
by Xyx
The city is a cakewalk. At least, if you've cleared out all the wilderness areas.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2001 4:46 pm
by Misfit
Absolutely, best way to play Baldurs Gate is probably starting alone or with just one or two companions, clearing out the wildernes Areas. As soon as you get to decent levels you can take up another companion and another one and so on....they are quite low with their experience, but that won't matter much.

I started out with only my fighter/cleric and Imoen did lots in the wilderness and finished the nashkell mines. I then went on and got Dynaheir and soon after Minsc. The story went cloakwood forest I got Coran and after finishing that and the rest of the wilderness picked up Ajantis. Now this party is pretty good(not the strongest probably) but not much trouble, nor reloading overall.

One question I've got, since it is quite some time since I first finished Baldurs Gate and the Tales expansion....I installed Totsc while I was already under way with this's Beard doesn't show on the map....and I can't remember where I have to go to get to that very edge to trigger it on the map. Zombie Map?

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2001 11:38 pm
by Sojourner
To get Ulgoth's Beard to show up on the World Map, I exit the Baldur's Gate Bridge Map from the north (top) edge.

[ 08-22-2001: Message edited by: Sojourner ]

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2001 10:38 am
by Misfit
Thnx :)

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2001 11:39 am
by Sojourner
You're welcome. :)

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2001 1:11 pm
by sigurd
There is a huge problem not getting all your party members as soon as possible, and that is they will have poor HP. if you take them you will level them up yourself,. otherwise they get about half their max HP, a little more.

Maybe best to let Sarevok live as you say it, as he is a real meanie, you might need the extra objects and exp levels that yu gain in Durlags tower. Forget the easy battles in SoA or ToB, Sarevok is the toughest battle in the whole series

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2001 2:02 pm
by Xyx
Isn't Sarevok toughened up after you do the TotSC add-on? The TotSC description kinda hints at that, but I've never seen him without TotSC installed.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2001 3:26 pm
by Misfit
Well he is tougher. It is not just you that profites from the higher XP cap....he is way stronger, too. However bigger changes come with his allies, as they even use cloudkill which they would not without TotSC....

About the other doesn't actually matter when you get the other party will have loads of time and will get loads of XP to get them up to highest possible level, too. You don't lose out on anything...

Well actually might lose some HP...but that won't matter either...for me it actually works better picking them up later. Also, you only get the real good Chars for BG1 later on....Kahlid sucks...Jaheira sucks big time....if you have a good party, Xzar and Montaron are of no real use, first to really fitting are Minsc and Dynaheir.

What actually angers me, is something which happens at the moment but never occured to me in my other times through BG1....Minsc actually sucks in Melee Fight. I never had a game where Ajantis actually outfights Minsc....and that is Minsc with a two handed sword +2 while Ajantis uses Bastard Sword +1. Sucks big time....

[ 08-22-2001: Message edited by: Misfit ]

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2001 11:59 pm
by sigurd
Get the good characters later on? For the perfect evil party i can get them all before i got up a level. Kagain, the best fighter, Viconia, Edwin, Sharteel and Montaron.

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2001 10:21 am
by Misfit
Originally posted by sigurd:
<STRONG>Get the good characters later on? For the perfect evil party i can get them all before i got up a level. Kagain, the best fighter, Viconia, Edwin, Sharteel and Montaron.</STRONG>
Well yes...thats the evil party...but if you play good or neutral and want to include Coran, Ajantis etc. It might take some time to get them, it's no good going to Cloakwood when even a bloody tasloi is way too much for you.

Also it depends on your char.

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2001 12:42 pm
by Imnesvale
Misc is useless in BG1... ok he's strong.. but 15 con and dex!!! That sux... he got 40Hp whewn my Fighet/cleric had 70... PLus that bad dex makes him useless for bow.. he's not worth it!

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2001 2:05 pm
by Xyx
Minsc rewlz in BG1! You don't give a bow to a guy with 18/96 Strength! You let him run up and bash stuff. :D He benefits greatly from the Gauntlets of Dexterity, which, incidentally, are found in his quest.

Reminds me of a guy with lousy Dex in BG2...