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A question of legality.

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A question of legality.

Post by Crenshinibon »

I own all of the Infinity Engine games legally, as I bought them either at a store or on a site like Amazon or eBay. Is it legal for me to download these games through a torrent site or something of the like, while I still own then, for my personal and private use, for nothing more than convenience?
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Post by BuckGB »

I really don't want to get into another debate (: )), but no, it's not legal. The problem with BitTorrent or any other P2P sharing system is that you're uploading while you're downloading. So while you might own the game, you're sharing data to people who probably do not.
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Post by Crenshinibon »

I see.

Thanks for the response. It's just that I find it very comfortable to have virtual CDs of some games on my computer, such as Baldur's Gate, where you're otherwise required to swap between five separate discs, which isn't very comfortable while on the road.

For smaller games, like PS:T I just carry a set of copied discs with me, as it's not as physically big and I don't have to use the original set.
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Post by BuckGB »

Crenshinibon wrote:It's just that I find it very comfortable to have virtual CDs of some games on my computer, such as Baldur's Gate, where you're otherwise required to swap between five separate discs, which isn't very comfortable while on the road.

For smaller games, like PS:T I just carry a set of copied discs with me, as it's not as physically big and I don't have to use the original set.
Do you still have the physical copy of BG? If so, you can create the ISOs yourself for virtual drive mounting or you can use a program like Game Jackal that will maintain a "mini" version of each CD so you can play without having to swap them out manually.
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Post by Crenshinibon »

Yes, I still have a physical copy of the game. Thanks for reccomending this program to me. I went to SlySoft's site to check it out, and I'll attempt to make images through the trial version. However, I don't fully understand what the exact difference this software has from some other image creator, such as PowerIso.
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Post by BuckGB »

Crenshinibon wrote:Yes, I still have a physical copy of the game. Thanks for reccomending this program to me. I went to SlySoft's site to check it out, and I'll attempt to make images through the trial version. However, I don't fully understand what the exact difference this software has from some other image creator, such as PowerIso.
Convenience and storage size, mainly. I built an XP machine a few years ago with every classic RPG in my collection and embedded all that required CDs within Game Jackal. All of the images GJ creates are tiny (rather than a 700MB or 4GB ISO) and it organizes all of the games in a neat list so you don't have to mount/launch each separate title.

I don't use it on my main rig, but when I have to load up something older, it's nice to have them at the ready without having to dig out my boxes/CDs.
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Post by Crenshinibon »

I see.

So if I used Game Jackal to make an image of Baldur's Gate, would I end up with one image per CD or just one image for the entire game?

Thanks for explaining how the program works. I really appreciate it.
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Post by Wulf »

Crenshinibon wrote:I see.

Thanks for the response. It's just that I find it very comfortable to have virtual CDs of some games on my computer, such as Baldur's Gate, where you're otherwise required to swap between five separate discs, which isn't very comfortable while on the road.

For smaller games, like PS:T I just carry a set of copied discs with me, as it's not as physically big and I don't have to use the original set.
The Bioware / Black Isle games all have a 'full installation' option, which means you only need to have one of the CDs ready, ever since Baldur's Gate. :)
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Post by Crenshinibon »

Even with full install, for the first one, I had to swap CDs. Baldur's Gate II only required the second disc. Either way, I don't think it's very comfortable to carry the CDs with me, even the copies, as it's easier to just mount and go when I'm on the train or somewhere else.
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Post by Crenshinibon »

I took your reccomendation and downloaded a trial version of GameJackal. I had trouble finding the doccumentation on how to actually make a profile, but figured out that it was possible to do by right clicking on a game's shortcut and selecting the option, which is what I did with Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast. GameJackal asked me for a CD which is usually used during gameplay (Baldur's Gate tends to use all of them however, even upon a "full" install). I inserted it the first disc and the program then made an image. What I can't figure out is how to add the remaining two discs to the profile. Would you happen to know?

Sorry to be a bother, but any response would be appreciated.
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Post by zippythezip »

Here is the way I played Bg1 using one disc, Hope it makes sense as its its been a while,


HD0:=C:\Program Files\Black Isle\Baldur's Gate\
CD1:=C:\Program Files\Black Isle\Baldur's Gate\CD1\
CD2:=C:\Program Files\Black Isle\Baldur's Gate\CD2\
CD3:=C:\Program Files\Black Isle\Baldur's Gate\CD3\
CD4:=C:\Program Files\Black Isle\Baldur's Gate\CD4\
CD5:=C:\Program Files\Black Isle\Baldur's Gate\CD5\

install game as normal, then open baldurs gate folder and make 5 folders
from 1 to 5, copy contents of disks into corresponding folders. then
alter cfg as above. add a no cd fix or play using cd1 only.

when checking cd1 note inside there is another cd1. copy the contents
into the new cd1, make sense?

With my old cds I just search around for a game fix and save my cd from harm. Think I can say that, just not where to get them?
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Post by Crenshinibon »

I know of similar fixes, but ones that don't require the copying of CD data. I believe they are viewed as illegal, so that's why I was interested in having a virtual copy on my computer, though Game Jackal has been pretty neat with it.
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Post by Tycn »

I'm quite sure that they are legal, there's nothing wrong with fixing your game if you own the product.
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