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The Tower - to do or not to do (Advice needed)

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2001 12:27 pm
by Vivien
Well met friends, and may you always walk under a friendly sky. Allow me to introduce my companions and myself.

I am Psyche, a Cleric with some mage spells up her sleeve due to her dual nature. With me is the flirtatious Coran, the stealthy Safana, Imoen my childhood friend, the dark and deadly Viconia, and Edwin a crabby but powerful mage.

Alas, my party has recently run into some troubles in yon tower blackening the sky. Riches, fame and adventure were promised if we were to breach the home of the mighty Durlag, but we have not found it so.
The riches part, yes, often our arms could carry no more and we were forced to trust that lying vendor. But, we did not find the adventure we wanted, in fact we found too much of adventure! Yes, one mug of ale is a good thing, but fifteen might just kill a person!

Here we stand deep into the second catacombs of this keep, having fought through traps and warders, sirens and thieves to breach this deep. But, the knowledge comes that there are many more floors to go. How may I gird my companions to battle?

Out Of Character:
This keep has so many traps, and my mage/thief heavy party is having a lot of difficulty with the surprise greater doppelgangers and skeleton warriors and other nasties. I usually call some skeletons or summons to my aid, but in this tower they seem to wander into all the wrong places due to the constricted space.

Now, I know many of you have conquered this tower, and I have a few questions for you:

1) Was it worth it? I’ve gotten the tome of wisdom already, which was a big draw for me, and I’m right before the end of Baldur’s Gate. The lure of being able to start BG2 is calling…

2) I’ve got a walkthrough, but is there any broad advice as to this tower?

3) How do you get the courage to finish this thing?! The size of it overwhelms me!

Any advice is welcome, you may also mock me for being scared of a virtual tower :)

(I see that there's another 'Durlag's Tower', but it seemed much more specific than my questions)

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2001 12:51 pm
by Imnesvale
Same here... i started a Dwarven Fighter cleric with these stats...
Str: 18:98
Dex: 17
Con: 19
Int: 8
Wis; 18
Char: 6

After all the tomes i had
Str: 19
Dex: 18
Con: 20
Int: 9
Wis: 21
Char: 9

This is a really good fghter cleric...
And for your Q... I just wen't down... grabbed the Wis tome and got out of there... i was already maxed out and you won't keep the things you got... but the extra wisdome is neat...

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2001 12:55 pm
by ThorinOakensfield
You don't have to do the tower. Your pc will start with more xp in BG2 if you do it, but you can make up that exp easily in BG2. So just import your character into BG2. But you'll miss some really tough battles, maybe the toughest in all the BG series except ToB.

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2001 1:08 pm
by Vivien
Originally posted by Imnesvale:
<STRONG>Same here... i started a Dwarven Fighter cleric with these stats...
Str: 18:98
Dex: 17
Con: 19
Int: 8
Wis; 18
Char: 6

After all the tomes i had
Str: 19
Dex: 18
Con: 20
Int: 9
Wis: 21
Char: 9

This is a really good fghter cleric...
And for your Q... I just wen't down... grabbed the Wis tome and got out of there... i was already maxed out and you won't keep the things you got... but the extra wisdome is neat...</STRONG>
My first time through I did just that :)

I then thought I might be 'missing something', thus am giving it a try. Though it's been such a battle to get as far as I have, I now think that I should throw in the towel.

My Cleric/Mage has a wisdom of 21 as well, which is very fun! :)

Good point about BG2!

[ 08-23-2001: Message edited by: Vivien ]

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2001 1:53 pm
by Worldfrog
There's a couple of other neat items in the Tower, especially at the lowest levels - seems like there's a plate mail +2 or +3 maybe. Ironically, I found the upper levels of the catacombs to be much more challenging than the lower levels. The demon at the bottom of the tower actually was fairly simple, thanks to a stealthy thief. As for the xp, you'll probably max your xp if you finish BG even without going through the Tower. But seriously, after you've gone down the stairs to the third level, you can actually finish the Tower fairly easily - if you want some tips, I can post them if you want.


Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2001 2:08 pm
by Xyx
The Tower is a combination of nasty traps and slightly tough fights, nothing more. Sure, it takes a bit of perseverence to get through (I got a bad deal on my setup on the chess board :mad: ), but it's very "doable".

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2001 2:19 pm
by Sojourner
2)Wands of Fire and Monster Summoning are a must in the tower. Grab all the Protection from Undead Scrolls you can find. Bow + arrows of detonation are also handy against groups of enemies, and so are potions of explosions for characters who can't use wands. Boots of Speed/Haste will also help in tough spots.

Make an archive save at the beginning of each level. Don't carry a lot of stuff to the Tower - there is more there than you can possibly carry out in one trip. IMO, the tower is well worth it for the nice items you can find there.

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2001 2:42 pm
by Denethorn
hell, I try to complete every goddamn quest in the game...
quest in the game...

Durlag's Tower is tough... depending on the experiance of your party it can be:

1. Mildy tough (maxed XP party)

2.incredibly tough
lvl 4-5party (I've done it... cost me about 10k in combat potions, antidotes and healing potions.)

There aren't any real tips except to explore it like any other dungeon. Scout ahead with your thief first, try to reload as little as possible in the tower - it may trigger re-spanws of all the nasties. I think this tip is especially important with Durlags Tower; have an explore.
Save outisde the tower than go it like a bull at a gate... every so often get your thief to swill a potion of invisibility.. equip the boots of speed and run around getting to know the place.
Having a good sense of geography will help you alot.. know the enemy formations and generally avoid the bad guys.. Once you feel you know enough re-load and start you true mission into the tower.

The advantage is you know where the goodies are so you can get a thief to swill an invsibility potion as before and run around, pull the appropriate levers and get the accesible treasure then descend to the next level.
If you want the treasure then you'll have to fight the tough guys :) . Confidence is a virtue that is needed in this dungeon.. and the ability to draw the line on your party's abilities... if you can't get past a particuar obstacle...leave and gain a level or two and try again.

I'm sure you'll get there in the end :) .

[ 08-23-2001: Message edited by: Alexander Denethorn ]

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2001 3:09 am
by Gruntboy
Vivien, a lot of the benefits of doing the tower are for warriors - there's +3 platemail, +2 shield etc. Not sure how good that is for your party...

Get the XP's as high as you can then ditch it I say - there are some really tough fights with Dwarvenn doomguards that a tank party has trouble with...

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2001 8:42 am
by Vivien
First of all, I think I'm going to give the tower another try. I could use the experience :)

Thanks for the offer, I may need tips :) My main problem with the second floor has been confusion, what opens what door. I didn't know hitting the practice dummy's would open a door until someone mentioned it on this board, I thought the door opened because I killed the Durlag Doppleganger.

Well, I don't have that much perserverance, but I'll try anyway :)
Chess board? That sounds interesting! Does one actually have to know how to play chess?

I may store some of my excess items in a barrel prior to going down again. I do have a wand of monster summoning and of fire, which have both been useful. If you haven't noticed, I dont' have a true tank, so I find I have to get as many spells going as soon as I can. :)

Alexander Denethorn,
"hell, I try to complete every goddamn quest in the game..."

Yes, I've heard of people like you :) Now I just need to find one who lives near me to do the quests I don't like for me. (I'm just kidding, as that would be cheating, and 'ruining the experience for me') :rolleyes:

My party is level 6-8. Safana is the 8, the rest are 7, and my Cleric/Mage is 6/6. I think these are okay levels for this tower? I do need to get some experience before I load BG2, so I'll try to get a bit more before chickening out.

Like a bull at the gate? Rofl! You have seen my party? My Cleric/Mage has the highest hit points of the group, and she gets her ass handed to her if someone tries to hit her. But, I like to think all parties have their strengths and weaknesses, and this one has been very fun. Coran with the ladies was worth it alone ;)

Dwarven Doomguards? I didn't know they had those! Now I have to get there just to see what they look like!

[ 08-24-2001: Message edited by: Vivien ]

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2001 12:23 pm
by Xyx
Originally posted by Vivien:
Well, I don't have that much perserverance, but I'll try anyway :)
Chess board? That sounds interesting! Does one actually have to know how to play chess?</STRONG>
Not exactly. It'll all become clear when you get there. ;) But don't make the mistake I made, and be sure to save every time before going to a new area. Only time in the game I had to reload several times. :mad:

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2001 3:29 pm
by Laurelei
First of all, I have played BG1 about a million times. Durlag's Tower kinda grew on me after a couple of games, although the first time I tried it I was VERY frustrated, just like you Vivien. Now it's relatively easy, just from repetition I guess. One strategy I still use alot, particularly in Durlag's: Give your thief a potion of invisibility, and make sure that they are not scripted to attack anything they see. Let them go around each level and disarm all the traps and scope out the monsters before sending your party in. Then at least you won't be too surprised by what you run into.

I tried to do everything in BG1 at least once, just so I could say that I had "done it all". There is one battle, though, that I did once and only once. It was so frustrating and so relatively devoid of reward that I never did it again ;) It was not IN the tower, but was kind of related to the Tower---those of you who finished the game will probably know the one I mean.

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2001 6:14 pm
by zeyk

I have played twice through BG1, twice through BG2 and once through ToB including watcher's keep. In my opinion Durlag's Tower is the best dungeon in the whole series. The level of challenge and suspense is unsurpassed, and it is a very fullfilling experience to come out alive from such a trial. Don't go through the dungeon just for the treasure you may find, the coffers you may loot. Durlag's Tower is a trial of will and wit, and if your roleplay your character will be a stronger and wiser person after completing this quest.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2001 12:31 am
by Sojourner
Originally posted by Laurelei:
<STRONG>I tried to do everything in BG1 at least once, just so I could say that I had "done it all". There is one battle, though, that I did once and only once. It was so frustrating and so relatively devoid of reward that I never did it again ;) It was not IN the tower, but was kind of related to the Tower---those of you who finished the game will probably know the one I mean.</STRONG>
If you're referring to a certain battle in Ulgoth's Beard, I understand that potions of Gaze Reflection prove to be quite useful here.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2001 11:44 am
by Vivien
Originally posted by Xyx:
<STRONG>Not exactly. It'll all become clear when you get there. ;) But don't make the mistake I made, and be sure to save every time before going to a new area. Only time in the game I had to reload several times. :mad: </STRONG>
Yes, it did become clear when all these people ran at me :) I found the best way to deal with them was a few fire balls/cloud kill, as then they left me alone ;)

[ 08-25-2001: Message edited by: Vivien ]

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2001 11:55 am
by Vivien
Well, I'm on the fourth level now. Thanks for the excouragement :)

It did become easier going after getting through the first (traps and riddles from 'heck') and second (Ah! I'm locked in and the rest of my party is elsewhere) :) levels.

Thanks for the advice :) I've been trying that, but have found there are certain traps I just can't disarm.
I also found a really fun one that smashed Safana into oblivian (while she was trying to disarm it no less).

As a roleplayer, I'm am actually doing the tower to kill the evil and rescue Dalton, not for the treasure (which has so far just loaded me down). I'm thinking after this tower, Sarevok will seem a lot easier. :)

Okay, okay, and it's helped me level up a bit, now my Cleric/Mage is 6/7 :)

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2001 1:51 pm
by Xyx
Originally posted by Vivien:
<STRONG>I also found a really fun one that smashed Safana into oblivian (while she was trying to disarm it no less).</STRONG>
That would probably be the Large Mechanical Trap(TM), which cannot be disarmed according to the manual. ;)

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2001 7:55 pm
by Laurelei
Yeah, there is a fireball trap on the first level that doesn't ever stop fireballing me in my game, just had to learn to hug the wall and sneak around it.

Level 4, congrats!

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2001 7:16 am
by Worldfrog
I haven't ever done this, but I thought you might be able to use the fireball trap to your advantage - like when you are fighting the dwarven doomguards, if you could just equip a fighter with the boots of speed and attract the dwarves to you, then run through the hallway, setting off the trap. Since you can run out of the area of explosion, it would be possible to not take any damage from the trap. With a potion of invisibility, you could repeat this ad nauseum. Has anyone tried this?

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2001 8:10 am
by ThorinOakensfield
Well i just lureed them out 1 by 1 and beat them to death.