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Tsl: Rcm

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 12:45 am
by Tricky
What with Team (or Person) Gizka's continued lack of progress, a group of modders at the forums have taken it upon themselves to bring their own restoration project to the masses. Today they have released their first beta, which can be found here:

TSL_Restored_Content_mod ver1.4 "READY" - Deadly Forums

The mod is a little different from what Team Gizka had in mind, but I am of the opinion that most of their design choices are actually for the better. Some details:

[QUOTE=Lord of Hunger @ Deadlystream forums]I'll list the differences (between DStoney's mod TSLRCM and Team Gizka's TSLRP):

-Cut Content: TSLRCM will have more cut content in general. Stuff like Atris as Traya, Selling Vrook into slavery, and Dustil Onasi will be left out because there is no enough material and they don't make sense anyway, however they are also things you won't find in TSLRP either. The only piece of cut content TSLRP will have that TSLRCM will not have is the GenoHaradan, which is being restored and expanded upon in a separate mod that can be used in conjunction with TSLRCM. It is not being restored with TSLRCM because the only way to really integrate it into the game without expanding it is TSLRP's way, and the way they do it makes little sense.

-Bug Fixing: The Distinguished Opposition (Team Gizka) claims that they are fixing every single bug in the game. In addition to slowing down their progress, this has served to only create more bugs. TSLRCM has fixed pretty much every major ingame bug from the unmodded version of TSL, as well as plenty of smaller bugs too. However, we are not fixing every single small bug such as awkward camera angles and grammar errors that were there to begin with because that is not what we are setting out to do. This is a TSL Restored Content Mod, not a TSL Perfection Mod. However, unlike The Distinguished Opposition and TSLRP, we plan on offering continuous support for TSLRCM after the release, so patches with bug fixes are perfectly possible.

-High Quality: As I said above, TSLRCM is not a mod designed to make TSL perfect like TSLRP aims to do. We really don't have the time or patience to rebuild the entire game, which is probably why TSLRP has slowed down so much. We can improve things after the release if requested, or support mods that do that. Granted, we don't have the new lean animation or the camera angles or whatnot. What we are offering to the community is to have TSLRCM done now and if necessary improve other aspects of the game later.

For more information, visit the DeadlyStream forums.

I request this thread to be stickied here for further updates about final releases and patches.

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 12:50 am
by Tricky
Note that there may be certain issues with other, existing mods. A discussion on mod conflicts and 'approved' mods can be found here: Mod Compatiblity Wishlist

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 10:02 am
by Nightmare
I guess I'll give this a whirl as soon as I can get around to it. Thanks for posting! :)

I looks like they've restored a lot of what Team Gizka was trying to, with a few differences.

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 11:49 pm
by Tricky
Note that at present I have uncovered a little conflict between DStoney's Beta and another mod, the Prologue - Peragus - Harbinger Issues Mod. The latter mod was created some time ago when it became clear Team Gizka wasn't going to fix anything about these places. As a result, DStoney and his noble knights haven't touched them either. Unfortunately though, it now seems as though there is a minor conflict with at least one of the modules involved. Since the Prologue - Peragus - Harbinger Issues Mod is a popular and frankly essential mod, I fully expect to see a patch for this soon.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 4:21 am
by GawainBS
I never knew this mod existed. Can you link it? I didn't encounter any problems on the Harbinger, though. I did play with all the Team Gizka beta fixes.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:06 am
by Tricky
The download links are on their forum. Click on the link in my first post.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:12 am
by GawainBS
Thanks a dozen!

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:18 am
by Tricky
Oh, incase you were talking about the peragus / harbinger etc mod, that can be found here : Prologue - Peragus - Harbinger Correction Mod

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:28 am
by GawainBS
Thanks for that one as well.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 7:12 am
by Tricky
If you install the Peragus mod first, you will get an error while installing the RCM. Two files won't be copied into the game directory, you'll have to place them in there manually. They can be found in the directories inside the RCM archive.