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Success at the Tower (anything more)

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2001 10:43 pm
by oiledbad-mofo
I came I saw I kicked A** and Conquered all in the bowels of that infernal Tower...Finally after about a week in the Dungeons of Durlags,I at last Killed the Demonknight in the 5th or 6th there anything more to do down hear is there a lower level or is there nothing more to do at the tower???

I came hear to Kick A** and Chew Bubblegum...And I'm All Out Of Bubblegum... :cool

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2001 2:17 am
by Sojourner
After you've defeated the demon knight, that's it for the tower. Just grab the dagger and other loot from his body, talk to Islanne's ghost and have her teleport you out of the tower, and return to Ulgoth's Beard...