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Gothic controls

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Gothic controls

Post by zippythezip »

I have tried Gothic 1 but just cant handle the key control system, so are the other Gothic games the same? I am playing Risen and want to know if the controls can be be made similar?
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Post by DesR85 »

zippythezip wrote:I have tried Gothic 1 but just cant handle the key control system, so are the other Gothic games the same? I am playing Risen and want to know if the controls can be be made similar?
Both Gothic 1 & 2 use the same control system (e.g. Ctrl+up to equip/use stuff, Ctrl+direction keys for different attacks).

Gothic 3 onwards is more streamlined where the left mouse button is enough to attack/equip/use/interact. Combat is still unsatisfactory, though, even though it is an improvement over both Gothics 1 & 2.

Risen follows the same control scheme as Gothic 3, but the combat is much better. Just as long as you are good with the combos and keep blocking, you'll be fine. ;)
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Post by fable »

DesR85 wrote:Both Gothic 1 & 2 use the same control system (e.g. Ctrl+up to equip/use stuff, Ctrl+direction keys for different attacks).
I think that Gothic 2 lets you reconfigure the control system (but it's been years since I've played, so I could be wrong).
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Post by zippythezip »

thanks guys, i will try gothic 3 next
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Post by fable »

zippythezip wrote:thanks guys, i will try gothic 3 next
You may want to check out the reviews, first. It was pretty severely panned for a host of technical reasons and bugs, most of the latter never being fixed.

I believe Risen is considered its successor, and that's been well received thus far.
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Post by zippythezip »

yea I read it got a few bad reviews, was hoping the community fix would help?
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Post by fable »

zippythezip wrote:yea I read it got a few bad reviews, was hoping the community fix would help?
It should, but I wouldn't count on it. Remember, the developers were paid to do their work. The community isn't, meaning that if the results don't meet your expectations, you have every right to yell at your pillow about it. Which isn't a criticism of community-developed bugfixes. Far from it. It's just a caveat to bear in mind.
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