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Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 2:25 pm
by Fezek
I read an article recently on ABC news website called ...

"How often do soldiers kill soldiers?"....

I read the headline again and again. I decided my eyes were actually reading the headline correctly and promptly wrote a fairly obvious but sarcastic reply to this in the comments section of the article.

Was I inappropriate?

Or did the headline warrant my sarcasm?

NB.I have amended my GB signature to reflect the comment I made.

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 3:27 pm
by fable
Could they perhaps have meant, "How often do soldiers kill soldiers on the same side?" As in friendly fire?

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 3:33 pm
by Fezek
fable wrote:Could they perhaps have meant, "How often do soldiers kill soldiers on the same side?" As in friendly fire?
To be honest, I'd rather GBs looked at the article and decide for themselves.

Here is the link;

I'll delete this link if you need me to.

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:24 pm
by fable
Meh. Just looks like it was a typically dumb headline. Don't know if it was worth your sarcasm, however. If you use it too often, you debase the coinage.

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:25 pm
by Dottie
From reading the initial paragraphs it seems that the article is about the events at fort hood, so I don't think the headline is that inappropriate?

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 5:22 pm
by jklinders
I don't know which of the sarcastic comments were yours fezek, but all the ones I saw seemed to be from people could not be bothered to read the article. The headline was a little insipid, but being facetious about it in the context of the article was kind of insensitive.

just my 2 cents