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Any ideas on experience cap??

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 4:35 pm
by Aubrey
Hi there.

I've just finished Durlag's Tower, and it seems that experience cap is stuck --or it's normal? Take Coran's stats for example:

Fighter L7, exp: 80.500, next L: 125.000 Thief L8, exp: 80.500, next L: 110.000

Well, I was looking forward to seeing this 110.000 coming true, but nope! I was sooo disappointed...
Anyway. Is it normal for ToSC or is there something wrong? Anyone could possibly help?


Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 5:54 pm
by Mr Snow
BG Xp cap is 89,000 while the TOTSC Xp cap is 161,000.
So as a multiclass you'd get 80,500 for each class (161,000 / 2) which is correct with your statement, so no, Coran will not improve, unless you take the XP cap off.

And a FMT/FMC you have 53,667 XP per class max.
Hope this helps ;)

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2001 2:48 am
by Aubrey
Well, I have just arrived from Amn and didn't know exactly how things work here.

Thanks, Mr. Snow. You helped a lot.
