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Change main character?

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 1:35 am
by JMH
Hello everyone,

I created a group of characters in multiplay mode and then moved the saved game into the single player mode.

I'm about fours hours into SOA and I'm frustrated because I choose a sorcerer as my main character and this character is frequently being killed. Is there a way I can simply switch the main character without having to replay the parts of the game I've already been through?


Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 5:57 am
by galraen
Put your last save back into the MP Save folder; load the game as a multi-player, select a different character in the first slot; save again and move back to single player save folder.

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 10:42 am
by Jordoo
Don;t forget that you could also chose a party alignment that will have the main character in the middle or back of the formation.

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 5:42 pm
by Thrifalas
If you can't keep a sorceress from getting killed you might have problem with later encounters. You might want to try learning how to use your survival-spells accordingly instead of rerolling.

One of the most fundamental defensive combination of lowlevel spells is Mirror Image, Stoneskin and Fireshield which will make physical attackers much less likely to gain anything from targeting you. In many situations, Invisibility can also be a life-saver. All of these are level 4 or less and available from scratch.

Once you reach higher levels you gain availability to some of the best defensive spells in-game, namely Protection from Magical Weapons, Protection from Energy and Spell Immunity. When adding these to the basic setup I just described, you become way harder to take down than any warrior/rogue/priest out there.

And that's way before you get Time Trap, Absolute Immunity and the like. ;)

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 6:52 pm
by Jordoo
don't forget about blur! I agree its pretty hard to get an arkane spell caster killed or even injured early in the game with all the protection buffs they have.

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 7:02 pm
by Thrifalas
There are a lot of useful defensive spells out there, I was mainly going through what I consider the absolute basic. It's a simple setup and it works a long way. It might be good to learn these before starting more intriguing combos. :)

I never found Blur useful at all. Mirror Image and Stoneskin is more than enough to deal with lowlevel melee attacks, and once you get Pro-MR pretty all other combat defenses goes out the window anyway.

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 2:50 am
by Edar Macilrille
And when sorcerers reach high levels they are nukes, I really- really- REALLY like having a sorcerer in my party despite being a melee-lover.

Chain contingency with one greater malison/lower resistance and two Abu Dalzim... Pufff... bye bye most enemies. Anf then you start casting you non-contingency spells...

Four- Five meleers improved hasted by the sorcerer and with HLA Critical Strike on, one or two of them a tank, can deal out a lot of damage, even dragons have a hard time standing up to that after you breach them.

The opportunities with a sorcerer is in some ways more limited, as you have to focus more, but in most ways so much better than mages as you have more of the spells you have- just less different spells.

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 8:17 pm
by JMH
Thanks Galraen, it worked like a charm.

I appreciate everyone else that took the time to help out. :)