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Weird thing spotted above Norway..

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 5:12 am
by Tricky
YouTube - UFO or missile trace? Mystery spiral lights over Norway

What do you make of that? An out of control Russian rocket kinda sounds like a bad excuse. It beats weather balloons though.

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:01 am
by fable
Tricky wrote:YouTube - UFO or missile trace? Mystery spiral lights over Norway

What do you make of that? An out of control Russian rocket kinda sounds like a bad excuse. It beats weather balloons though.
A piece of lutefisk has evolved further. It was bound to happen sooner or later.

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:29 am
by Xandax
Just cause things sounds like a "bad excuse" doesn't mean it's not the right one.

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 8:17 am
by Tricky
I have an excellent imagination but I can't fathom how a rocket can make a long blue-ish hue with such a geometrically perfect spiral thing on top. I hope someone will come clean over this because it is just too much of a curiosity for me. :laugh:

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 8:30 am
by Xandax
Tricky wrote:I have an excellent imagination but I can't fathom how a rocket can make a long blue-ish hue with such a geometrically perfect spiral thing on top. I hope someone will come clean over this because it is just too much of a curiosity for me. :laugh:
Well - I can't even understand how fireworks work :D ... so to me it sounds plausible.

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 10:33 am
by Tricky
YouTube - Space Analyst Explains Sky Spiral

I can kinda see it now. Mentioning fireworks to me was a help as well, actually. ;)

That must have been the most expensive piece of firework ever, whatever kind of rocket it was.

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 11:52 pm
by Sain
Oh, it's definatly a black-hole, no doubt about it. :rolleyes:
Well, my guess would be a rocket or firework.