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mutliclass penalty and companions skills

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 7:58 am
by cndd1
I know a lot has been said about multiclassing, but I'm still not entirely clear on how/when the penalty is applied..

Say I'm a level 1 elven fighter (I know with a half-elf or human character, the first class doesn't count for multiclassing XP penalty... but I prefer elves) and I want to take just one level of rogue for opening locks and for diplomacy until Neeshka joins my party.... Off I go.. I level up and take rogue, and then switch back to fighter after that. So I'm playing along happily until I get my third level of fighter...

-- Now my classes are 2 levels apart and will incur the XP penalty, correct?

-- If so, is it just an XP penalty for that one level? or is it now constant because the two classes will always be more than 1 level apart? And if for some crazy reason I wanted to add another class, I'm looking at another penalty?

Subject change...

About companion's skills.. is it worth raising their non-combat skills (diplomacy, bluff, appraise, lore, etc.), or is it just the main character's skills that are checked when applicable?

Thanks all for helping a newbie out!

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 11:27 am
by GawainBS
1. Correct.
2. It will be a penalty for as long as your levels are more than one apart, i.e. possibly the rest of your career. IMO, you can easily get by untill you get Neeshka without a Rogue.

Bluff, Diplomacy, Appraise, Intimidate are only viable for the main character. Lore is used by NPCs if you use them to ID items.

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 2:49 pm
by Scottg

Multiclass penalty and ECL comparison - NWN2Wiki, the Neverwinter Nights 2 wiki - Races, classes, skills, and more

Particularly note that no levels involving Prestige classes count for that penalty when leveling.


No racially favored classes count when leveling.