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enchanting skill and Atributes past 100. yes or No ?

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:14 am
by Nabiah
Say your character is a fighter and has a base strength of 90 and base Blade skill of 95.
Now you got a new full set of deadric armor and want to enchant it using Altar of enchanting.
Do you get eny advantage on putting +10 strength on 3 items for a total of +30 (making it a final 120 when toping on your base 90) ?

or even putting +10 blade skill on said items making a total of +30 Blade skill on top of your base 95 blade skill points making a final 125 ?

More. are you better off, regarding blade damage, with adding +30 to blade skill or adding +30 to strength ?

thanks in advance : )

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 1:23 am
by Belthan
Attributes always max out at 100; additional buffs are wasted. Some skills can be buffed well beyond 100 with stacked enchantments (you can really have a ball with Acrobatics over 150, for example). I personally think it's better to get Strength up to 100 before Blade, because it hurts things worse when you smack 'em, and it also increases the amount of loot you can carry. Once you have strength up to 100, you can work on Blade, but I'm not sure if increasing Blade beyond 100 has any practical effect.