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Edwin sorcerer bug

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 5:42 pm
by vonhizzle
Hi I am having a small bug when I skeep'd Edwin into a sorcerer. It is giving me 1 extra spell per level ie. 7 casts instead of 6 and if I manually set it to 6 it gives me the extra 1 again on level up. This is not being caused by edwins amulet and there are no affects in the affect tab I just cant figure it out. Anyone experience this before?

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 5:10 am
by QuenGalad
I never tweaked Edwin's class, but i did remove his necklace once so he could wear amulet of power and his spells remained as they were. I think his amulet doesn't do anything, it's just there to account for his extra spells, and the actual effect is coded into him somehow. The memorization bonus items work for sorcerers, so the "Edwin Effect" might work here, too. I'd say you just have to enjoy your new, better sorcerer!

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:55 am
by Stworca
vonhizzle wrote:Hi I am having a small bug when I skeep'd Edwin into a sorcerer. It is giving me 1 extra spell per level ie. 7 casts instead of 6 and if I manually set it to 6 it gives me the extra 1 again on level up. This is not being caused by edwins amulet and there are no affects in the affect tab I just cant figure it out. Anyone experience this before?
Next time use [url=""]lvl1 NPC[/url] instead of SK to change NPC class, safer and easier.