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Help me!
Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 8:22 pm
by Obliviot
I have been playing WoW for a long time now, bout 1-2 years. This is embarrassing, but I havent managed to get a toon pas level 40 yet, because I cannot find a class that suits me. The highest i've gotten was to 38 with a troll hunter, but due to account complications, it was lost
. So, I was hoping you guys could help me. Do you have any suggestions for me?
Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 3:51 pm
by terran698
what class?
Well i have tried all the classes up to lvl30 except the shaman (waiting on cataclysm for it) and i have found that i like the warrior the most, even though the 4.0.1 patch screwed them up more than they already were.
I would have to say my second favorite class so far would have to be a priest, and i like it even more since the patch as my main source of healing is done with renew(im not lvl80 yet) and other than popping a renew i just follow the group through instances.
Like i have said i have tried to get all my toons up to at least lvl30 which i think is where they start to act like their specific class.
if you like to lead then i would suggest you roll as a tank (only if you know the fights) or a healer if you want to be the person everybody depends on. if you like to kill stuff then be dps. there are 2 types of dps and those are ranged and melee. mages, hunters, and warlocks are some of the best ranged while warrior, rogues, death knights, and paladins are all good choices for melee dps.
over all though i think it depends on your playing style and what feels right. and above all just be yourself and dont worry about being the top dps of every fight or not doing the most heals or not tanking that one mob before the dps blows it down.