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Feeling Newby!

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 1:28 am
by xradin
Having trouble figuring out a strategy for dealing with the Ghasts in the tomb in Act 1...the walkthrough makes it sound easy but 'cause i play more online stuff can't get a handle on how to beat these guys...can't even seem to hit or kill 1 of them and my whole party keeps dying quick...hopefully someone will take pity on me and help me with a heads up, and not just scorn me for this pretty silly question, LOL...signed- 'Frustrated with these sorts of games'

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 1:59 am
by GawainBS
Who's in your party? What's your character's build? What tactics do you use?

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 2:21 pm
by cndd1
For large, spread-out groups, try doing a controlled pull with a ranged character - use a nearby corner to stay out of line-of-sight, have the rest of the party "stand your ground" while your ranged goes nearer and shoots the closest mob then runs back around the corner. When the mobs get to the corner, have everyone "attack nearest".. if there's a caster in the mob, take that one down first.
When that inital pull is downed you can heal up, quicksave, then pull the next group.
When pulling this way, watch that your party members don't try to run off and engage mobs that weren't pulled by the initial shot; if they start to run off, pause the game, click on each runner and tell them which mob to attack.