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nods to BG2 (spoilers probable)

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 9:03 pm
by dragon wench
Alright, first off, I want to say I never really bought the "spiritual successor" hype, but nonetheless, I have seen more than a few references to BG2, so I thought it might be fun to start a thread on the topic.
So.. this thread is intended to be humorous and light-hearted, it's NOT meant to start an argument over which game is better, whether DAO is a spiritual successor..yada yada ;)

First off... the NPCs... Maybe they are all just stereotypes.. but... :D

Alistair: what Anomen might have been had he managed to get more of his act together. Sure, Alistair has his issues, but he did just lose the second major father figure in his life (after pushing away the first), so I think his grief is understandable.

Morrigan: I think this is pretty obvious... Viconia.

Zevran: also obvious... Haer Dalis

Leliana: I tend to see her as a mixture of Imoen, Nalia and Mazzy. Initially I thought maybe a touch of Aerie, but she doesn't have Aerie's complete innocence.

Wynne: A composite of Keldorn and Jaheira

Dog: Minsc... I'm honestly not kidding. Lovable, friendly, loyal, willing to instantly rush into battle to defend you... :D (Though... I think even Minsc would have stopped at placing decomposing rodents in Viccy's "Unmentionables." :eek: )

Sten: He's actually a departure from the stereotypes and a fairly different character, but I do see a bit of Valygar in him. Namely, the taciturn demeanor and mistrust of magic.

Oghren: Not sure... and I only just recruited him, so I can't really tell yet.

Shale: I don't have the DLC

The Secret: Haven't encountered him in person yet, and don't intend to put him in my party, but I suppose there are probably some suggestions of Saravok?

Hmm.. what else?
I got a chuckle out of the area transition message: "Do you want to gather your party and venture forth?" :D

The obvious play on names with "Gaxxkang."

I know there are other things I've seen, but my mind is like a sieve most days, so I can't quite recall, maybe it will come to me. :rolleyes:

So, over to everyone else ;)

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 9:37 pm
by fable
Kangaxx from BG2 and Gaxkang from DA:O are clearly meant to be variations on a theme.

A bit to one side, there's that mod that puts a raven in your DA:O camp who gives up a potion for regenerating all your levels, attributes, etc. When you take it and see the magical lighting effect, one of the messages that pops up sometimes on screen is (if I recall correctly), "Rangers and hamsters, oh my!"

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 10:40 pm
by Crenshinibon
I'd say that Oghren is just like Korgan, or rather what he would have been like in his youth. :laugh:

I don't agree with comparing the secret character with Sarevok because he isn't exactly evil, despite what the game would have you believe. When you talk to him, you see him more as a father figure, so I suppose I'd go with a misguided Keldorn or Cernd.

As for Shale, I'd have to say that he reminds me a lot of Edwin. Both of them seethe with sarcasm.

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:02 pm
by Nightmare
Crenshinibon wrote:I'd say that Oghren is just like Korgan, or rather what he would have been like in his youth. :laugh:


As for Shale, I'd have to say that he reminds me a lot of Edwin. Both of them seethe with sarcasm.
I was going to say, Oghren has a good bit of Korgan in him.

As for Shale, he's more like HK-47 from the KotOR games. And by "more like", I mean he's exactly the same, just a fantasy creature, not a robot. Which isn't a bad thing, either; Shale is a great NPC.

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 3:58 am
by GawainBS
HK-47 *hates* humans. Shale is just convinced of its own superiority, which is a difference. DW, I really recommend the Shale DLC, it's one of the funniest parts of the game.

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 4:48 pm
by GoldDragon
IN Flemeth's Hut area, send dog out. He may bring back a pair of Pantaloons that may have at one time been gold or silver...

The Gold was in Friendly Arms Inn, the Silver Somewhere in Amn, but it's been far too long to remember exactly where...

Oh, and one of the Loading screen tips: When in Doubt, Go for the EYES! Do I really need to say more?

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 7:02 pm
by xCherryXSherryx
Haha and also Oghren = Jan. They're more of the comic relief kinda characters in both games. :P

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 7:34 pm
by Dradeel
If I remember correctly in BG1 you had an optional quest in candlekeep were you had to kill some rats. Or was it somwhere else, but deffinetely BG1. I laughed when sir gilmore or what is the name of the first joinable party member says something like how every grande adventure starts with killing some giant rats.

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 7:59 pm
by GoldDragon
Actually, that's Human Noble Origin, and he says that every BAD adventure tale starts with Giant Rats.

And yes, one of the rooms on the east side of the Keep at the begining does indeed have you killing Giant Rats......

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 2:14 pm
by HandsomeDevil
I noticed a lot of these similarities as well. Maybe I'm stretching it, but I inferred a call-out to Jan Jansen when my PC said "This reminds me of the time..."

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 3:03 pm
by zeyk
I hadn't really thought about this, but now that you mention it here is my list.

Loghain -> Sarevok
Big 2H warrior types, both start evil but can end up joining you

Morrigan -> Viconia
Evil and beautiful. Nuff said.

Oghren -> Korgan
Ale drinking berserker dwarves. Wouldn't want to be on the wrong end of their axes.

Alistair -> Anomen
Righteous and troubled. Can become more "evil" if pushed.

Leliana -> Imoen
Great thieves both. Good personalities.

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 10:02 pm
by Loki[D.d.G]
GawainBS wrote:HK-47 *hates* humans. Shale is just convinced of its own superiority, which is a difference. DW, I really recommend the Shale DLC, it's one of the funniest parts of the game.
I can second this. Shale's set of cynical comments and conversation options are the best by far in the game, and she is a pretty great tanker to boot