Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 6:27 pm
Somewhere in the transition between 3.5 and 4th edition, the Succubus changed from a demon (Tanar'ri) to a devil (baatezu). I have searched the forum for an explination on this but haven't had any luck finding anything so I figured I would post about this. First off, to get things straight, I know nothing about 4th edition. I have none of the books nor have I had a chance to look at them in depth, so if it is explained in there then I haven't had access to it.
When the Succubus changed from a demon to a devil, was this done through some kind of RP or Lore in the D&D storyline, or is 4th edition something totally apart from 3.5 altogether?
The reason I ask this question is because I am working on a villianous character or NPC, depends on upcomming games and DM's mood. The character, whether or not it's a PC or NPC, will be a servant of Dispator, but must also have the ability to polymorph within the first fifteen levels of it's advancement.
Basically, what I am wondering is this. Is it possible for a succubus to defect from what they are, a CE Demon, and decide to serve an Arch-Duke for whatever reason? Also, would an Arch-Duke have a demon who defected serve them and how would other devils and demons react to this type of character? I would like to hear several opinions on this.
When the Succubus changed from a demon to a devil, was this done through some kind of RP or Lore in the D&D storyline, or is 4th edition something totally apart from 3.5 altogether?
The reason I ask this question is because I am working on a villianous character or NPC, depends on upcomming games and DM's mood. The character, whether or not it's a PC or NPC, will be a servant of Dispator, but must also have the ability to polymorph within the first fifteen levels of it's advancement.
Basically, what I am wondering is this. Is it possible for a succubus to defect from what they are, a CE Demon, and decide to serve an Arch-Duke for whatever reason? Also, would an Arch-Duke have a demon who defected serve them and how would other devils and demons react to this type of character? I would like to hear several opinions on this.