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BG revisted - spoiler-ish

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2001 4:24 am
by Burt0n
I'm going through bg/totsc again having completed bg2 and whilst waiting for ToB. I've just got the book from the the ruins of ulcaster and given it to the ghost ulcaster. Looking at the journal tho it says something about ulcaster wanting tombs/books i only found the one book. And haven given the book to the ghost theres a journal entry saying something to the effect of 'whilst ulcaster still haunts the ruins he is at peace a little more' or some crap.

Is that it? I can't remember what happened last time i completed bg - and it kind feels like an anti climax as it is now. Any info would be great.


[ 07-08-2001: Message edited by: Burt0n ]

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2001 5:56 am
by Laurelei
That's pretty much it.

There is an easter egg involving Ulcaster, but if you have given him the book you can't do it now. The item you get is totally worthless anyway. If you're curious, look at the topic "Help (spoiler)" a couple of lines down on this board, or do a search for vampiric sword.

[ 07-08-2001: Message edited by: Laurelei ]