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Single vs Dual Class Wizard
Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 6:18 am
by mrdeluxe
Is there any real benefit on taking a single class wizard other than school specialization? I was considering my next run as an all powerful spellcaster but after thinking about it, I might as well go through all of BG1 as a fighter (maybe berserker) and then dual to Mage.
I'm finishing a run with a Fighter/Thief. It's a blast, lot's of fun and extremely powerful, but I wanted a different experience this time around. What do you guys recommend?
Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:51 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Unless you want to go a specialist mage, wild mage or sorc I'd take a few levels of fighter or thief (Swashbucklers are nice if you have Tutu installed) first, if only so you can wear elven chain and have a half-decent weapon selection.
If it's an all-powerful spellcaster you want then a cleric/mage multi is prolly your best bet, but it's not quite the 'true mage experience' per se.
Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:59 am
by arsiwash
Dual classing
Being Dual classed really helps, you can get some really high HP to survive attacks. The additional weapon selection is also nice. You can get the Katana that gives an additional 1st -4th level spell.
Elven chain is decent, but I would never give up the Robe of Vecna for it.
Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 8:14 am
by kmonster
Don't dualclass. Forcing yourself to play the whole BG1 and some of BG2 fighter style just to be more powerful than a pure mage when most of the game is over is just a waste of time.
If you're worried about being to weak as a normal character take a sorcerer. Definitely more powerful than a berserker/mage. Another powerful option is cleric/illusionist.
Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 8:43 am
by RPGguy
kmonster wrote:Don't dualclass. Forcing yourself to play the whole BG1 and some of BG2 fighter style just to be more powerful than a pure mage when most of the game is over is just a waste of time.
If you're worried about being to weak as a normal character take a sorcerer. Definitely more powerful than a berserker/mage. Another powerful option is cleric/illusionist.
I agree 100% with this. If you want to swing a sword, then pick a class that swings swords.
Pick a mage specialization and excel at it. Don't delay with multi-classing or dualing. Once you get out of the early levels you start to become a god and simply transcend physical combat and the need for hit points.
Mages can stop friggin time, make themselves utterly immune to any kind of damage and turn your carcass inside out before you even know what hit you as a fighter.
2 cents
Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 12:16 pm
by mrdeluxe
I liked the idea of a Cleric/Illusionist, but that would make a duet with Viconia a little redundant, no?
I know the powers of a high-level mage (and the pain that was to dispel all of Irenicus protections), but my point was that the difference in levels between a dual-classed mage (dualed early, level 9 i.e) and a single class one was minimal at best, and in that case maybe a few levels of a class would provide a better experience overall.
Sorceror or Wild-Mage are also intriguing possibilities. I'm maybe leaning more for the former since I don't like to reload that much.
Also, regarding the party, who do you prefer as a Minsc / Keldorn substitute: Korgan, Valygar or Mazzy?
Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 4:21 pm
by arsiwash
You could Duo class as a thief, get up to say 9th level, throw ALL your points into Find Traps and Open locks... then go mage. You could elimate the need of a thief in the party and get all the really nice EXP of all the traps and locks as well.
It could make for a nice duo, you and Aerie...You would just have to bicker about who gets first dibs on the scrolls you come across.
Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 9:51 pm
by Ode to a Grasshopper
mrdeluxe wrote:Also, regarding the party, who do you prefer as a Minsc / Keldorn substitute: Korgan, Valygar or Mazzy?
Who else are you taking?
Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 1:53 am
by jouke1988
I finished the game once with a specialist illusionist. And it rocks!! You'll excell in levels much faster and you will gain all the high level abilities you want. Third perfect fact is that you can put all your stuff for a mage on yourself wich makes you almost infurnerable. If played wel, the illusionist is one of the most powerful characters I've ever played.
Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 4:15 am
by mrdeluxe
Ode to a Grasshopper wrote:Who else are you taking?
Viconia and Jan, with Imoen tagging along for awhile.
Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 8:03 am
by RPGguy
mrdeluxe wrote:Viconia and Jan, with Imoen tagging along for awhile.
Oh man, then it's no contest IMO. Grab Korgan with and his +++++ proficiency in axes. His Berserker immunities will come in really handy against liches and some stock resistances from race ain't bad either.
The only thing that bugs me about him is his DEX of 15 but it's not a huge deal.
He's pretty bad@ss and fun for the long-haul.
Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 8:30 am
by mrdeluxe
Thanks for all your help, guys. I'm settled with that party for BG2, with Korgan. Even better as I never used him, ever!
I just really can't decide on my PC. I want to be able to cast magic, that I know off, and I want to give Edwin and his bonus spells a run for his money. I don't mind playing BG1 with a different class and dual on early BG2 or late BG1.
My choices right now are:
Swashbuckler > Mage
Berserker > Mage
Wild Mage
Starting BG1 as a Swashbuckler can help me deal will all traps and locks by myself, freeing Jan for snares and backstabs.
Starting as a Berserker (or Kensai) may help on those times that I may need another Fighter.
Wild Mage will be a new experience all together, but I'm afraid I'll just grow frustrated and reload a lot.
Illusionist sounds fun. What really important spells will I miss?
Sorceror is just for the casting power, maybe no so fun on the long run?
Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:09 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
No necromancy spells, so no Skeleton Warriors, insta-death spells, or Abi-Dalzim's...for a specialist mage Conjurer (barred school: Divination) is generally the best bet as long as you have Jan memorize a True Sight or two.
Good call on Korgan IMO.
Swashie-mage is great (I have Imoen as a Swashbuckler/Mage 8/x - easy to do in BG2 with the CLUAconsole or SK - with Level 1 NPCs and it makes a surprisingly big difference).
Kensai/Mages are apparently one of the most powerful combos out there - I've never tried it myself though.
That said, if you're going with a small party you probably could pull off a Cleric/Mage multi for uber-spellcasting power. The Robe of Vecna and Amulet of Power both reduce casting times for cleric spells too IIRC.
Or just see what crazy combos you can come up with with Power Word: Shadowkeeper. For example...
I've started out trying to solo Tutu with a SK-made gnome Wild Mage (would have preferred a Wild Mage/thief multi but WMs can't dual or multi) and she's awesome, but a wild mage could be pretty frustrating if randomness isn't your thing.
My other recent pet project is trying to make a dwarf Archer/Cleric with ***** in warhammers for the Dwarven Thrower - I finally got it to work but I had to edit the Dwarven Thrower and move the proficiencies around, and even then I don't know for sure if the Archer bonuses are being applied.
Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 4:05 pm
by RPGguy
Jan and Edwin complement each other really, really well from a spell standpoint. The highest level Divination spell you're missing from Edwin is True Sight (LVL 6 spell) is easily attainable by Jan (multi-class'd illusionist). And all of the necro spells you are missing with Jan can easily be handled by Edwin. Viconia rocks the Divine.
You will have to keep your rep in the 9-15 point range, that's the only issue you will have so remember to 'accidentally' clip a commoner with a fireball in the streets when you are battling fellow baddies.
So you are really, really free to experiment here with your PC. If you want to cast spells and challenge yourself a little, build an Evoker specialist mage and stay true by never putting anything except EVO spells in your book NO EXCEPTIONS, ever! Don't let him use wands that cast non-EVO spells or equip. any equipment that provides non-EVO spells or benefits.
Another suggestion would be to play as a character who does nothing but fire missles, suggest the bow(s). Again, swear an oath and never pick up a melee weapon or cast a spell. This will provide nice tactical challenge and a unique experience
good luck, have fun