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Vial of Mysterious Liquid/Contaminated Iron
Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 5:50 pm
by hunt
Anyone know if these can be used. I am almost positive that in one game I was able to give the Vial to the Mage in High Hedge for him to research. Nothing ever came of it, but at least it felt like I was carrying it around for a reason! I was never able to find it, but the mage hinted at being about to give the contaminated iron to someone as well. I think I took it to the NPC and he had no dialog option. Or maybe I scrolled through the dialog too quickly and missed the name. For some reason I think he pointed to the smith in Beregost. Anyway, now I can not figure out how it's triggered. Maybe I was playing a mod. Maybe I'm on crack. Anyone else ever find a use?
Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:29 pm
by RPGguy
I never found any use for either, personally.
I just think they are items that reveal the nefarious plot as you progress through the mines. I tried taking the ore to the smith in Beregost because I heard he was looking to work with "new materials" but he never responded any differently.
Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:46 pm
by hunt
Doh, think I found it in a mod. Been so long since I've played I have no idea what I had installed in the past. It looks like BG1 Unfinished Business may address it.
Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 4:20 am
by txngurl
hunt wrote:Anyone know if these can be used. I am almost positive that in one game I was able to give the Vial to the Mage in High Hedge for him to research. Nothing ever came of it, but at least it felt like I was carrying it around for a reason! I was never able to find it, but the mage hinted at being about to give the contaminated iron to someone as well. I think I took it to the NPC and he had no dialog option. Or maybe I scrolled through the dialog too quickly and missed the name. For some reason I think he pointed to the smith in Beregost. Anyway, now I can not figure out how it's triggered. Maybe I was playing a mod. Maybe I'm on crack. Anyone else ever find a use?
Sorry, I realize it's been a while since you posted, but found your answer on a gamefaq while I was leaving the Nashkel Mine today and wondering if I should be taking some ore out with me.
"...Loot Mulahey's chest at (x=650, y=860). Read the letters, as
one will point you in the right direction: to find a mage by the name
of Tranzig, who is staying in Feldpost's Inn. The notes are signed by
one Tazok, the ogre Kivan is trying to slay, and Tranzig is, of course,
the mage who imprisoned Branwen..."
From: Baldur's Gate & Tales of the Sword Coast
Written by: Nathan Garvin
Email: Theendbringer (at) Hotmail (dot) com.
GameFAQs: Baldur's Gate (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Haeravon
~ So basically wrong mage- instead of Thalantyr, you wanted Tranzig.