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Question about the expansion

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 8:20 pm
by phxhawk
Well the expansion is going to be released tomorrow. Has anyone heard on any DAO board what effect the expansion will have on mods already installed? Will you still be able to play Dragon Age Origins- i.e. start a new character in DAO finish the quest lines and then transfer that character to Awakening?

So far I've either heard nada. :cool:

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 12:14 am
by Scottg
phxhawk wrote:Well the expansion is going to be released tomorrow. Has anyone heard on any DAO board what effect the expansion will have on mods already installed? Will you still be able to play Dragon Age Origins- i.e. start a new character in DAO finish the quest lines and then transfer that character to Awakening?

So far I've either heard nada. :cool:
From what I remember reading you can export a previous character or start new. In fact, you should be able to modify your previous character before starting the new campaign. Rather like having a new character, but with all the action "tags" that might have consequence based on your game-play of Origins (..and potentially higher levels to reconfigure than a completely "fresh" character might have.)

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 9:11 am
by phxhawk
Thanks so much, Scottg. That's the first good news I've heard. DAO is such an awesome game, with so many variations on gameplay,, etc., that I'd hate to lose accessability just for the sake of an expansion (which I pre-ordered).

I was disappointed to read that romance will not be a part of the expansion. IMHO, that added a totally new dimension to RPG.

But at least the developers seem to still be interested in working on the game. IGN listed another Dragon Age between jan - march 2011 with title TBA.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 2:50 pm
by GoldDragon
One of the four main endings (Main being having an Achievement) is anulled if you try importing a character from it,
Ultimate Sacrifice, of course
but that is logical, so....

And from the box, it is 02/01/2011.

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 8:05 am
by stanolis
after importing my character, i was not given the option to alter my appearance.

mods may not allow your character to import correctly if at all. it just depnds on the altered files.

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 10:43 am
by Scottg
stanolis wrote:after importing my character, i was not given the option to alter my appearance.

mods may not allow your character to import correctly if at all. it just depnds on the altered files.

..but you could modify skills and talents, correct?