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Things you shouldnt do and do

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 9:21 pm
by kozeph
I just moved on my own to another city (first time truly on my own) so I was wondering what a single person shouldnt do and do on his own example do not put instant noodle soup on the microwave for more than 4 minutes (lets say the whole building smelled of burned plastic for at least a whole day :p )

if you could advice on potencial dangers and innovations a single person on his own can do or avoid, would be very appriciated :D

EDIT: this besides being for me, it serves future GB members that are going through this ordeal of moving on their own

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 11:45 pm
by dragon wench
Oh... that's going back a few years... :D
Let's see..

*Don't go grocery shopping when you are really hungry.
*If it's a room-mate situation, do not assume your "best friend" will make the perfect roomie.
*If you plan to have raucous parties, befriend your neighbours and invite them to the festivities.
*Learn to cook real food. This will both save you money and impress your dates.
*Keep an eye on any bulletin boards near where you live; it can be a good way to pick up cheap, or free, furniture.
*Clean out the fridge every few days... you really don't want a collection of unidentifiable "science experiments."
*If you have room-mates, set up strict rules about anything involving money: rent, utility bills, food costs etc.

p.s Your post suggests you don't have roomies, but I made those references just in case you ever end up house, or apartment, sharing.

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 3:09 am
by RPGguy
I moved away from all friends and family when I was 18, moved to the other side of the country.

The very first thing I did when I landed was buy a Penthouse mag. It served me well.

Some other tips:

1. Realize that if you don't work hard on maintaining old relationships, you will lose them. Time passes, life happens, before you know it people start passing away. You stop talking or making any sort of effort and eventually, you lose the ability to even relate to one another the way you used to. So even though you just got there, start the upkeep on those 'bridges' because they are ever-eroding. Distance kills.

2. Start exploring. You need to find (a) a good deli (b) a place that makes killer coffee (c) a reliable dry cleaner (d) and a PC repair shop pronto!

3. Candles. Don't have them. They only question your masculinity and start fires.

4. Find a good community Credit Union and start building a relationship and line of credit with them. Don't screw it up. These are the people who will save your @ss when life gets rough. And it will. All kinds of ups and downs are headed your way. Start saving regularly, even if it's just 5 bucks a week.

5. Don't fill your apartment with 'stuff', it's just junk and won't make you happy. Learn to love the place you live and your surroundings. Meet people. But fair warning, most of them suck.

6. Have an insurance policy in case the tool below you has candles, or the doucher above you has a sewer back-up. Make sure the policy has at least $15,000 coverage for something called 'Additional Living Expenses'. This is money from the insurance company to handle emergency moving costs or temporary accommodations while your place is being fixed/restored.

7. recycled paper towels...don't use them in the microwave. They have tiny metal fibres in them that can start fires.

8. avocados are holy. put them on a salad, sprinkled with salt on crackers, spread it on top of a steak, cram it into every sandwich you make. They are cheap and versatile and if you suck at cooking like me, they take everything to the next level.

That's all I got for now. Good luck.

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 4:49 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Most of this is student- and Australia-centric, but works pretty well in general. It's all pretty basic stuff, but worth mentioning.

Keep your head down, and always have an exit strategy. Pay attention to your surroundings.
Try to be inconspicuous.

You're less likely to get robbed if it looks like you're poor (in person and your house/flat).

Keep your kitchen clean. You can be as slobby as you like in most areas of your house, but a clean kitchen is a must - you make your food there.
Plan your living space.

If you have/get a significant other and he/she moves in with you, follow the room-mates rule DW mentioned earlier. A week or two of free board is usually alright, but the longer you leave the shared expenses question the harder it comes to raise it. Separate bedrooms are a good idea too - it gives you your own time-out space and ensures you have a bed to sleep in when you stumble home drunk or have a fight.
If you have a persistent admirer who you're not interested in, don't let them move in to your house - one of my mates did and he only just managed to disentangle himself after she 'forgot' he broke up with her.
As a general rule don't sleep with your housemates, and definitely don't fall for them.

Pasta is your friend. It lasts for ages, goes with just about everything, and as long as you keep it dry and away from any household pests is relatively healthy. Same goes for tinned soups, baked beans etc.
Also, if like me you tend to not eat much and don't like your food going off, frozen vegetables will last much longer than fresh. It's also worth having a spare carton of long-life milk in your pantry for when you're out of milk and in desperate need of morning coffee.
Don't forget to defrost any meat you're going to eat ahead of time - I always forget this one, but then I'm not a big fan of most meat.
If you're not sure if something is still OK to eat, it's probably better not to eat it.

Op shops/thrift/second-hand stores are great. Instead of paying $30 for a pair of jeans you can get a still-decent pair for 5. Just wash them first...
Also, many op shops will also sell plates and cups etc (and sometimes even furniture), as will $2 shops. I recently managed to get a whole dinner set for under $10 AU.
If your city does it, the kerbside collection days where people leave their old (usually broken) furniture amd whitegoods to be collected can net you some decent finds. I picked up a really good bed and set of drawers a few weeks back, and all I had to do was move it myself. Also, it's kind of fun to see what sorts of things you can find.

Your local public library will often stock movies etc - much better than hiring them from video stores. Also, you can often get the nice people behind the desk to help you with general information, or even use their internet facilities.
If you don't have the internet yourself, a lot of cafes etc have wireless facilities.
If you have a mobile/cell phone, you really don't need a home phone.

In my experience plenty of surface space, storage space, and electrical outlets are a must.

Always be nice to the service staff - make polite coversation, ask them how their day has been etc. It's amazing how much easier all sorts of things can go when the person behind the counter/desk is happy to see you. Flirting often helps. ;)

Headphones are usually a better option than speakers - they don't bother other people and reduce other peoples' noise getting to you.

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 5:44 am
by galraen
3. Candles. Don't have them. They only question your masculinity and start fires.
I completely disagree with this one. DO have them, power outs do happen, and it's a fair bet that when they do you'll remember you forgot to check your batteries. They are only dangerous if you misuse them, it's the person who's dangerous, not the candles!

As for 'They only question your masculinity', Qué, what's that about? Showing some foresight and being prepared for a] a power cut and/or b] a romantic dinner questions you masculinity?

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 6:00 am
by Tricky
Don't just leave the garbage bags by the door or halfway down the hallway and forget about it. When I was fairly new to the indie life my flatmate got a habit of leaving excess bags on the balcony. We ended up with mice on the balcony and eventually in the kitchen. Take them out to a disposal place whenever you venture outside.

Also, I once tightly shut a small garbage can filled with apple and pear peels. After merely two days, the lid blew off with a loud pop. It was funny, but it left a mess. :p

Do: Learn how to cook properly for guests.
Don't: give a damn about what anybody thinks. You're free now buddy. :cool:

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 7:22 am
by kozeph
Keep your head down, and always have an exit strategy. Pay attention to your surroundings.
Try to be inconspicuous.

You're less likely to get robbed if it looks like you're poor (in person and your house/flat).
this also applies to me, especialy since I live near a ""red zone"

3. Candles. Don't have them. They only question your masculinity and start fires.

5. Don't fill your apartment with 'stuff', it's just junk and won't make you happy. Learn to love the place you live and your surroundings. Meet people. But fair warning, most of them suck.
candles are important since power cuts. as for number 5 yeah, meet a couple not really bright or even fun (one spends its whole day watching tv :eek: and not even something educacional!) but im not no much of a people person (Im nice i think but I prefer being on my own :p )
Do: Learn how to cook properly for guests.
Don't: give a damn about what anybody thinks. You're free now buddy
I already know how to cook a bit, worked for about 2 o 3 months in a small restaurant so my range of cooking goes from the basic and decent to nice food. YES IM FREE NO MORE TOOHBRUSHING HAHAHA nah im kidding I like having a nice smelling breath. :D

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 7:47 am
by RPGguy
It's called a flashlight. Very useful for doing manly things like fixing junk under the hood of a car...or fixing the drain under the kitchen sink.

PS. don't get offended by the 'candles' comment ladies...I'm just joking around. If you want your pot-pourri and related foo-foo, go for it. I won't think any less of you. :laugh:

PSS. seriously, I'm just kidding around.

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 8:04 am
by kozeph
It's called a flashlight. Very useful for doing manly things like fixing junk under the hood of a car...or fixing the drain under the kitchen sink.
hahahaha well at least I wont be fixing cars that for sure (dont have one :rolleyes: ) yes I do own a flashlight(two actualy) but you never know when your gonna need a candle, you know making a summoning circle and gating a balor to do my chores you know :D

ps:I should really learn the basic of plumbing...

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 12:04 pm
by dragon wench
[QUOTE=Ode]As a general rule don't sleep with your housemates, and definitely don't fall for them.[/QUOTE]

I think this is a good, basic rule for some obvious reasons, but it's also one that is subject to much circumstance.
Twenty some odd years ago I ended up involved with my house mate. Though it has sometimes been a rocky path (which is actually normal for any long term relationship), we are still together, and have a 15-yr-old son.

If it feels right, and you don't mind the risks of one of you having to move should it not work out, than go for it. Really, how better to know if you can live with somebody? Fun dates and sexual chemistry don't always equal a compatible life style :D

On candles vs flashlights..
Again, depends on the person, but if used responsibly, candles are often preferable. In our house, we use flashlights so rarely that in the event of a power cut (and they almost always happen at night) we either have no idea where to locate said flashlight, or it's been so long since we've used it that the batteries are out of juice. Candles and matches, on the other hand, we can always lay our hands on. Also, candles are usually a better stationary light source than flashlights.

I also second the suggestion of keeping the kitchen clean if nothing else. Beyond the vermin and gross factors, if you are cooking, the kitchen is the hub of any home, you just need to keep it clean, neat and well-organised.

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 12:27 pm
by kozeph
I doubt I will stablish a romantic relationship with my "roomies" since all of them are male and im not into that :D (oh btw Im living in a large house 4 people (myself included)kitchen and shared bathroom, rent is surprisingly cheap, the place smells funny and atleast for a while there is no heater for the shower :mad:

kitchen is sacred I will work hard to keep it clean ;)

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 4:39 pm
by Bloodstalker
Do not date women who live within sight of your house/apartment. This makes it very difficult to hide from them the next day.

Don't leave the dirty magazines out when your mother is coming over to vist. In fact, don't ever let your mother come to visit. Nothing good ever comes from a mother visiting a single man in his own home.

Don't leave the shades open on your favorite window in the morning unless you first make sure the telescope you used last night is safely out of sight.

Don't piss off any of your immediate neighbors. Eventually, some girl you've been chasing will come by when you aren't home and said neighbors will talk to her. Bad things will ensue.

Don't become friends with any of your immediate neighbors.Eventually, some girl you've been chasing will come by when you aren't home and your "friends" will think it's funny to have a revealing talk with her. Bad things will ensue.

In fact, just poison the neighbors and be done with it. This will eliminate 95% of your future problems in one go. Knowing the kinds of people who are generally neighbors, this will likely also drive up the property values.

Don't keep a lot of books around just to impress people. Sooner or later, someone will have read some of them and want to have a conversation about things you don't know.

If you simply must pursue a woman of questionable moral values, don't pursue one in your own neighborhood. Eventually, you'll see what else she brings home with her and the time waiting for the test results to come back is absolutely terrifying.

Never turn your back on a neighbors chihuahua. This one is very important, trust me.

If you are ever actually talking to that smokin' hot lady from across the street and she mentions something you couldn't know about without your telescope, do NOT say "I know."

Buy up all the toilet paper within a ten mile radius of your home before Halloween if you aren't going to be giving out candy.

Don't take sides in your neighbors/roomates/anyone else's disuptes. They WILL all turn on you eventually.

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 1:32 am
by Tricky
Bloodstalker wrote:Buy up all the toilet paper within a ten mile radius of your home before Halloween if you aren't going to be giving out candy..
Do that every other day as well out of sheer spite. It is always good own someting to bargain with if you're the new cowboy in town. No woman will be able to resist you.

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 5:42 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
If you live near Bloodstalker, keep your shades drawn at all times, especially when dating women of questionable moral virtue, that smokin' hot lady across the street, or when your mother is coming round to visit. :eek:
[url=""]Even then, that may not be enough...[/url]

No matter how desperate you are for cash, don't deal drugs unless it's that or whoring yourself. If you do do either, don't do it from your own house.
Seriously, don't.

Most universities will regularly do cheap eats and booze if you know when to go and who to go with.

Mormons - and any other witnessing Christians/Muslims/etc - are a convenient source of free toilet paper, and they home-deliver to boot.

A lot of churches will give free food on certain days. Sadly, asking them to turn water into wine - or even just to give you wine - is usually less successful. Don't drink their holy water either.

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 6:46 am
by RPGguy
Oh! Dude, I almost forgot!!!

Ode, reminded me...FIND CULTURAL CENTERS!!! Like Ukrainian, Italian, Greek etc.

They have these awesome old-world baba's and nana's that make legit, from-scratch food for very good prices. You can't find stuff like this in groceries stores.

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 5:59 pm
by kozeph
noted, I shall avoid chihuahas (god i hate them almost as much as i dislike fish or PIGEONS!)

I shall start collecting all the toilet papper I can find, I shall also check for underground passeges in case :D

Regretebly I still havent spotted the smoking hot neighbor :rolleyes:

and I shall put a little note in my door mothers are not allowed so bugger off!

now all I need is to learn the inner working of clothing washing! haha and find place to wash them (forgot the name in english) :eek:

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 1:50 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Always have spare toilet paper.

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 3:32 am
by Darth Gavinius
Develop a routine is always good, you don't have to stick to it rigidly... but picking a certain day/time to shop and do laundry is a good plan. Much like if you commute, you notice other people have patterns and you develop a sense of familiarity even with strangers and some may even become aquaintances.

Don't clean up after other people, set a rota if you flat share. When you start cleaning up other people's ****, you will either:

a) piss them off that they don't know where their **** is!
b) come to expect it from you, and they wont respect you for it!

Keep on top of your finances and if you live with others, do not lend them money unless you are sure they would:

a) help you out, if they were ever in a position to
b) can put in writing when they will pay you back!