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Second playthrough - help me choose a PC kit
Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 1:31 pm
by Johnny Carwash
Hi everyone,
Just completed my first playthrough of BG2, and even before it ended I had started to think about the party and PC build to try for the next one.
For my first playthrough, my core party consisted of: my PC (human ranger), Minsc, Keldorn, Jaheira, Aerie (with the romance), and Yoshimo/Imoen. For the next go-around, I'd like to get acquainted with several of the NPC's I hadn't used much the first time. Here's how I'm picturing my next party:
- Mazzy
- Anomen
- Valygar
- Jaheira (for the romance this time)
- Jan
I know this isn't the *best* party, but that's not what I'm going for, I'm just interested in getting a feel for some of the characters I hadn't experienced before. The alignments here split between good/neutral; the evil NPC's I'm saving for a possible later playthrough.
So, here's where I'd like to hear your input. Based on the party above, what class should I shoot for with my PC? I'm looking for something that "fills the gaps" with the party. At first glance it appears to be light on tank-types, but also Jan is the only mage. Maybe some kind of fighter/mage combo? Thanks in advance for any advice.
Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 1:39 pm
by Stworca
Since you have lots of physical damage dealers and two healers. A single class arcane spellcaster will fill the gap. Either a mage or a sorcerer. Jan is limited cause of thief levels, so he should focus on what gnome mofos do best - sneaking. While the PC will be the walking artilery platform
Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 1:49 pm
by RPGguy
Agree, play a sorcerer. Pick your spells carefully, you only get one shot at it so do some research if you're unsure.
Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:20 pm
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Yup, pick a sorc or mage type (Wild Mage FTW!) and you've got a perfectly rounded party. With Mazzy and Valygar, and Jan and Anomen you should get some decent banter too, and Jaheira's romance adds quite a few quests to the game.
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 7:17 am
by Stworca
And Jaheira is such an awesome character! She is understanding, patient and calm, but above all else she is tolerant! Now i know what it is Edar's favourite NPC, and i agree
Make sure to have all the patches installed, Jaheira romance is the most bugged one.
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 9:39 am
by jouke1988
Ofcourse a full mage is the addition you need! I would choose for a wild mage
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 10:30 am
by Stworca
Sorcerers have more spells and more hp. Therefore it's easier to play one of them.
And if you have any doubts about spell picks. [url=""]Here's a short run through the best ones[/url].
And [url=""]here[/url] is a run through all spells made by Xyx, Alson and Littiz (i believe) 6 years ago. This way you can compare the two.
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 11:43 am
by Edar Macilrille
Stworca wrote:And Jaheira is such an awesome character! She is understanding, patient and calm, but above all else she is tolerant! Now i know what it is Edar's favourite NPC, and i agree
Make sure to have all the patches installed, Jaheira romance is the most bugged one.
Arrr KILL!!!
Me no like Jaheira, just like Longshot does not ;-) taje Viccy instead- she one sizzling Drow.
I would say my own favorite Kensai-Mage and if you have Shadowkeeper you can create my ûber-favorite Kensai-Mage-Thief (though lvl progress is slow with that one). Vanilla is too easy with that class. I think I will do a solo Vanilla next as the fried PC here does not allow much mod-adding.
Kensai-Mage-Thief or Sorcerer, sorcerers are... devastating, both are, but you do not expect it so much from a Sorcerer.
RPGGuy, where is the suggestion to add Cernd?
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 12:37 pm
by RPGguy
Edar Macilrille wrote:RPGGuy, where is the suggestion to add Cernd?
I've heard from his family that he going to kill himself if someone doesn't play with him soon.
You don't want to contribute to Cerndicide, do you? What would Jesus do?
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 1:28 pm
by Johnny Carwash
Thanks to everyone for all the input. I've gone with a sorcerer as recommended and am getting the hang of the new spell system. My first impressions are good--although you're limited in the number of spells you can memorize, it gives you more flexibility in that you don't have to plan ahead how often you'll use each one.
Thanks Stworca for the links on the spells. I'd also looked at the section in Dan Simpson's FAQ. Since there only seem to be a handful of "go-to" spells at each level, I don't really feel myself missing the larger spellbooks of conventional mages.
I'm currently in the early stages of Ch2. From the planned group above I have Jaheira/Jan/Anomen and am using Minsc and Nalia until I go get Mazzy and Valygar.
I also used the BG2 tweak pack for the Jaheira romance fix. It sounds like it may be a minority opinion here, but I like Jaheira--I think she's the most compelling of the NPC's, with the most interesting story arc. That she inspires strong reactions either way is, I think, the mark of a well-drawn character.
And sorry RPGguy, but I used Cernd for about an hour the first time through and have no immediate desire to see him again. Maybe some day a few months from now when I'm feeling especially bored. Or masochistic.
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 1:40 pm
by RPGguy
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 2:39 pm
by Edar Macilrille
By including Jaheira in your party you alreadu exhibit a scaring amount of mascochicm...
You can look around a bit and see what I think of her and why.
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 2:48 pm
by Stworca
Imagine a party of BOTH Jaheira and Cernd! :speech:
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 3:13 pm
by RPGguy
Stworca wrote:Imagine a party of BOTH Jaheira and Cernd! :speech:
my next run...
Cernd's brother (Pernd)
Cernd's sister (Fernd)
Cernd's cousin from the south (Vernd)
Cernd's attourney friend (Overternd)
Cernd's demon prostitute (Bernd)
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 3:30 pm
by Stworca
This party of doom will shut even Neeber up!
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 3:35 pm
by RPGguy
Stworca wrote:This party of doom will shut even Neeber up!
When Neeber sees us approach, he'll notice Noober's severed head mounted to the top of Bernd's walking staff.
I don't expect any problems.
Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 1:44 am
by jouke1988
RPGguy wrote:When Neeber sees us approach, he'll notice Noober's severed head mounted to the top of Bernd's walking staff.
I don't expect any problems.
RPGguy, you make me laugh but I do agree, Cernd is the weakest character in BG2. You have to keep him out of man-to-man fights and his spellcasting is his major weapon. And I ain't impressed by the weapons he carries. I think that Saravok would laugh at you even if you had 20 cernds with you.
Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 1:59 am
by RPGguy
Thanks jouke.
It's true, Sarevok would bash Cernd mightily. But then Cernd would use the 10th level druid spell 'Improved Compost' and 2 Cernds would sprout up from the ground in his place.
Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 2:22 am
by Edar Macilrille
Well... you know Sarevok, "Death is coming for you- FEEL ITS ICY BREATH!" *Sarevok gives Cernd 23 hits.
*Deathbringer Assault 200 hits
*Cernd's twin Cernd *Panic
Sarevok "Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha!"
I love Sarevok in ToB
Overternd "So you just violently assaulted a citizen of Athkatla with your Deathbringer Assault. That violates §109b, 117, 133c and 197a. You are hereby charged with Deathbringer Assault, Deviant. And here is my bill."
Sarevok, "Eh?"... "2389462529 gp!!!"
Sarevok "Confused"
Sarevok attacks <CHARNAME>
Overternd, "Yes, I own your soul, and as for you <CHARNAME>..."
RPGGuy, it would not be Noober's head that shuts up Neeber, it would be the attourney, everybody (even Sarevok) is afraid of attourneys).
Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 2:26 am
by RPGguy
haha, I totally blurted out a chuckle at that. You funny Edar.