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Few questions about COOP

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 7:51 am
by goblinsly
Hey everyone,

Im playing Dungeon siege 2 on coop, over LAN with my gf.

I choose party setup, meaning max 2 players, 3 chars for each. But we plan to only play 1 char each.
I have a few questions which i hope you can answer ( and if its possible, quick, she will be here in 3 hours and by then i wanna play with questions answered happy )

1) Is there a key to highlight all items, characters, monsters, chests, etc. on screen ? Meaning all "things" you can manipulate ?
2) Is there any other map other then tab shortcut and minimap in right bottom corner ? Even on max, the map is soo small that i cant see all explored land and that is really making things harder ( even to get to primary quests, if i only follow the gold arrow, its hard to get anywhere. Sometimes you have to go far around to get to the gold star, not just take the shortest path shown by arrow ).
3) I tried to make her portrait in right upper corner bigger, soo i can monitor her health and click on it to heal her better. But it just wont change its dimension even though i tried to move the slider. And since shes runing and killing mobs around like crazy its very hard to click directly on her moving character.
4) We are playing in Party mode and i noticed that we gain "experience", meaning upgrade our strenght and melee/nature magic experience at the same time. I highly doubt that its because we hit the same amount of mobs. Even when i do nothing and she hits mobs we both gain experience. And i dont like it. Is there a way to change this ? Maybe some other mode then party ? I choose party because its the only mode for 2 players.
5) The "soo many times discussed" +% to find magic items. Can someone that really knows how this works explain it to me. For instance is there a set percentage to find certain item, like 10% to find an item. And if your items give extra 100% to find items, this means 100% of 10% is 10%, soo 10% + 10% from items is 20% ?
6) I am using 1680x1050 resolution to play the game on 22 inch widescreen monitor. She is playing on 4:3 15 inch monitor, in 1024x768. Maybe it is just me but when i compare our view of the game it seems as she sees more land then i do. It seems as she sees further away. And this is strange. It should be same or if anything, i should see further, have a better view of the battlefield. We both have the game zoomed out max.

I hope you can answer my questions. Tnx in advance !