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Bad colds, +2 weeks long. Normal?

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 3:23 am
by Tricky
Are you often struck down with bad colds, lots of phlem, lots of deep, hard coughing that seemingly last for more than 2 weeks?
Well whether you get them often or never, today I am interested in only one thing. Is it normal and should you go see a doctor for that, get some anti biotics, nasal sprays, whatever.

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Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 5:19 am
by Xandax
With a "cold" taking more then a week or so with no/little improvement, I'd properly seek out a doctor to check there wasn't something else wrong which just gives cold symptoms.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 7:11 am
by Tricky
It seems my girlfriend and I have seperately been experiencing a lot more of these long, bad colds in the past couple of years. Since this year's summer holiday started we have once again been struck down with a bad one that is already lasting for nearly 3 weeks. We were wondering if maybe that's what colds simply are these days, long and nasty due to widespread use of anti-biotics and stuff.

Either way, it seems that we'll be going to a physician for some pills soon now. We have a little trip planned to the mountains soon and enough is enough.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 3:12 pm
by jklinders
I have had bronchitis which to me felt like a moderate cold nearly turn into pneumonia. If you see no improvement after a week, I would get it checked out.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 6:23 pm
by Ode to a Grasshopper
I had the same thing as jklinders. I'd get it looked at.

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 5:56 am
by DesR85
For me, if the cold is really serious, then I go see a doctor. Mostly they prescribe antibiotics, some liquid medicines and/or pills. Otherwise, if it's normal, then I'd wait it out. Sometimes it takes a week or two, sometimes less.

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 9:57 pm
by Philos
I am among those that try to ride out a cold or "bug" if I can without using antibiotics. Our bodies (and the germs) can build up a tolerance or even an out and out resistence to antibiotics if we overuse them. I read that one of the reasons researchers keep pushing and trying to develop new antibiotics is because many of the 1st generation ones are minimally or no longer effective. Virus and "bug" strains that have mutated over the years and many are immune to those originally antibiotics. I remember as a kid hearing about penicillin, I never hear it mentioned these days.

It is a fine line, I guess, deciding when an illness goes behind being a simply cold/flu and into being something that really should be treated with antibiotics or other medication. I guess I just want to be sure that I haven't depended "so much" on antibiotics/medication by using them even time I feel bad and therefore run the risk that they won't be able to do the job if I come down with something bad.

But if it is a frequent occurance, definitely time to see a doc.

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:20 pm
by jklinders
Philos wrote:I am among those that try to ride out a cold or "bug" if I can without using antibiotics. Our bodies (and the germs) can build up a tolerance or even an out and out resistence to antibiotics if we overuse them. I read that one of the reasons researchers keep pushing and trying to develop new antibiotics is because many of the 1st generation ones are minimally or no longer effective. Virus and "bug" strains that have mutated over the years and many are immune to those originally antibiotics. I remember as a kid hearing about penicillin, I never hear it mentioned these days.

It is a fine line, I guess, deciding when an illness goes behind being a simply cold/flu and into being something that really should be treated with antibiotics or other medication. I guess I just want to be sure that I haven't depended "so much" on antibiotics/medication by using them even time I feel bad and therefore run the risk that they won't be able to do the job if I come down with something bad.

But if it is a frequent occurance, definitely time to see a doc.

Not trying to preach here, but you don't take anything but bed rest for a cold. Viral infections are completely immune to antibiotics. A cold will not kill a healthy person. Bronchitis or pneumonia can. Both of those are caused by bacteria and are very serious lung infections. They also start off feeling very much like a cold.

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 3:06 am
by Darth Gavinius
Have to agree with JKlinders. Usually when down with the Cold/Flu I just take lost of bedrest and Paracetamol and Codeine (which can be purchased without prescription at Boots), the Codiene is an anticonvulscant and is good if you are coughing a lot. I usually get bronchitis as well, so usually keep some expecterant around. Fortunately, I have not needed anti-biotics for Pneumonia or Bronchitis in over a decade.

A point to note, but you are more susceptable to colds and have a harder time getting rid of them if you are depressed or have been stressed. During my PhD write-up I suffered from about 6 (2 week) colds over an 8 month period.