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dual class wild mage?

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 7:31 am
by moltovir

I recently decided to give BG2 another try (it's been like 5 years now) and I've read a lot of things about both the Kensai/Mage and the Wild Mage, how they're strong, interesting, funny etc. However, since I only have time for one playthrough, I was wondering whether it'd be possible to combine the two into a dualclassed Kensai -> Wild Mage? I've only ever played vanilla BG2 and am a total noob when it comes to character editors.

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:51 pm
by koz-ivan
it isn't normally possible, the wildmage is single class only. there may be a way to make it work w/ edits but i've not tried that.

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 6:20 pm
by galraen
I don't know of any way to dual class Kensai-Wild Mage, I'm pretty sure it can't be done; not with Shadow Keeper that's for sure. They are both kit classes if I recall correctly and even with SK you can only have one kit. You could I think have a fighter, dual class him/her to a mage then use Shadow Keeper to add the kit. You would have to set them mage class to 0 level with 0 XP first, then load the save into a game, and level up. Just adding the kit wouldn't work properly if you left the level at 1. I'm not 100% certain that would work even, as I've never tried that combination, and I don't have the game installed at the moment so can't test.

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 6:30 pm
by Ode to a Grasshopper
In vanilla BG2/ToB Wild Mages cannot be dual/multi-classed classed - it is possible to edit one of the game files to change that, and I think there's a Mod which allows them to do so, but I'm not sure how to do so and/or which one.
Pity, I'd like to have Jan as a Thief/Wild Mage - might try running Level 1 NPCs and see if it's doable with the collection of mods I have.

EDIT - I was able to make Jan a Thief/Wild Mage multiclass. The mods I have are ToB patch, G3 Fixpack, Xan, Saerileth, Kivan, Unfinished Business, Dungeon-B-Gone, Level 1 NPCs, and the latest G3 Tweakpack. Of those I'd guess that it's either in the Tweakpack or Level 1 NPCs (possibly Xan, but less likely), but you'll need to research it more yourself. Either way, if it can be multiclassed it can probably be dual-classed, though you'll need to use Shadowkeeper (and add the Wild Mage spells yourself) and won't be able to have two kits - though as a practical matter you'll probably keep the Kai ability from the Kensai class, and could probably add in the AC/THAC0 bonuses yourself. It may be as simple as changing them in the base characteristics section, or you might need to look into the variables - that one's way beyond my skills.
Good luck!