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Shadow Thieves gone mad or I have done something wrong

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 2:53 pm
by gosurori
Hi everyone... I was playing along with my characters and without any big cheats. Quests got me up to the point where I found Mae Var's treachery and needed to go and talk to Bloodscalp but the minute I enter the building in the slums, all the shadow thieves started attacking me and of course that Arkanis guy killed all my characters. I never attacked any of them, I was just always talking... Why did this happen? Now I'm going to play the game all over again and I don't want to make the same mistake. For example, I enter Aran's room, they are already in red but still it gives me the quest but I had to kill him... What did I do wrong, why did they start attacking ? =/