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Pools of Darkness

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 7:25 am
by Lena
kmonster, is a party

F13 > T
F9 > C
C9 > MU
R9 > MU

good enough to play PoD at Champion level?

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 11:28 am
by kmonster
It should be good enough, but why do you want to play on champion level ?

The game was written and balanced for normal difficulty. When enemies get more HP battles will be even more tedious. The extra XP you get won't be needed, you can reach level 40 at normal difficulty, your imported characters will reach the level cap even faster.

If you haven't started SotSB yet consider that there's more than enough XP in it to get a few extra HP with F15>T and R10>MU.

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 12:27 pm
by Lena
I've started SotSB just now, so I can replay. I found out a new feature - difficulty levels, and wanted extra XP, of course. I’ll play on the normal level then.

kmonster, thanks. I’m sorry for annoying you so long. If I knew about great difficulty, and 40 levels in PoD, and other details, I would plan my party otherwise from the very beginning.

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 6:22 am
by Lena
kmonster, I have left Phlan and have visited Vala’s cave. I need a training hall and a shop to identify some items now. Where should I go next?

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:49 am
by kmonster
On the map you see some kind of fortress in the NW of Phlan. But there's only a quest, much fighting and XP so I'd delay it. Go to the fortress on the map west of this fortress, you can train there. (I don't remember if there's a shop, but in the west of the world map is Zhentil Keep.) It's also possible that you find some wandering trainers if you're lucky. If you find special areas not visible on the map on your way clear them, they might be empty when you return for a second visit.

After finding a place for training I'd just explore the whole outside map square by square, order isn't very important but the locations in the NE are easier than the locations in the SE.

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 12:27 am
by Lena
kmonster, thanks. One more question. I am in the Dragon’s aerie now and am going to the Thorne’s cave. But all my equipment perishes while passing Limbo. I can leave my equipment to Elminster, but then we have to fight barehanded against dragons: no weapon, no armor, etc. Only spells remain. Is it right? I don’t understand this Limbo.

Buying ordinary (not magical) equipment is the only way.

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 4:09 am
by kmonster
Just leave your equipment with Elminster, you can cheat to keep the items but cheating is not necessary to beat the game.
I liked starting from scratch and regathering equipment, if you play an imported party there's hardly any improvement you can get.
With delayed blast fireballs you can run through the first battles until you get new gear.

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 2:28 pm
by Lena
Hi, everybody! :)

Kmonster, could you help me once more, please? I am replaying these nice series now and I am playing POD on the Champion level. I don’t get extra XP. The manual says that I should be rewarded by receiving more experience points from my combat encounters. But I get the same amount of XP on any difficulty level although enemies’ HP changes. Have you heard anything of it?

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 7:35 pm
by kmonster
If you want a harder game and therefore choose champion level it doesn't make sense getting extra XP and therefore an easier game.
Maybe the game developers finally realized this and removed the XP bonus.

Bonus XP are unimportant anyway since you can grind as many XP as you want.

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:59 am
by Lena
kmonster, thanks again. You are right of course, but what a pity.