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Problems with Duchal Palce cut scene

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2001 10:28 pm
by Saruman


Was wondering if anyone can help, Have just got to the duchal palace after getting the invitation from the 2 assassins in the underceller and when I go in the game saves and the cut scene plays all OK but then when I try to do anything the cutscene plays again and again about every 2 seconds.

Does anyone know how to fix this bug or does anyone know the bulder.ini line to turn off the movies.

Any help would be greatly appriciated

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2001 11:23 pm
by Gruntboy
I never had this problem until a re-playing the game a while ago. My setup has not changed. However, I hhave done everything to receive help from the shadowthieves (something I never did before). Maybe it is a bug to do with that?

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2001 11:29 pm
by Saruman
I must admit that this time around I did meet up with the shadow thieves who showed me the way to the undercellar in the temple of illmater which I've never done before.

Now I know that isn't to far back the only prob is that if this the cause of the prob I have no saves from before this time so I still need a fix.

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2001 12:42 am
by Denethorn
Double post :o

[ 07-24-2001: Message edited by: Alexander Denethorn ]

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2001 12:43 am
by Denethorn

Your best choice would be too open the Baldur.ini file with notepad in you Bg directory and it should say some way IRONTHRN=1

its binary or boolean or whatever so just change the '1' to a 0.

If that fails to work just put a 0 next to all the movies in the folder.

I can't remeber if there is any other movie to do with the Iron Throne so IRONTHRN is my best guess.

Other than that: search me :rolleyes:

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2001 8:42 am
by Saruman
Just changinging the specific cutscene reference in Baldur.ini from 1 to 0, eg IRONTHRN=0, only tells the game that you haven't viewed that cutscene yet. It does not unfortunately turn the cutscene off. When you re-enter the location the cutscene still plays again and again and again....

Any other ideas. I seem to remember someone mentioning a way to prevent all cutscenes from playing, period. Only I can't find the reletated post (it might have been on the BGII board)

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2001 9:08 am
by Path of Wind
Do you have TotSC? IIRC, this is bug associated with it. Visit [url=""][/url] and download both TotSC patch and TotSC DirectX patch. Should work.

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2001 9:19 am
by Yshania
This is strange - my sister had exactly the same problem in the same place. I did not but here is what you can do (this is from the Bioware site and refers to BG2 but I believe will work for BG1)

Random crashes with a VIA chipset motherboard

There have been many reports of random crashing or crashing with the movies with owners of Intel VIA chipset motherboards. Please note: This issue does not apply to AMD systems. For most users, there is a BIOS update available from your motherboard manufacturer that will solve this problem. If you have the latest BIOS for your motherboard, you have to make an adjustment in your BIOS settings. Go to the setting for "CPU IOQ" and make sure the value is set to 1 and not higher. Another solution for some, has been to adjust the AGP mutiplier setting so that the card cannot use faster than 1X speeds. For BIOS updates, you should check with your motherboard manufacturer first before going directly to VIA.

Another solution has been to reinstall the VIA 4-in-1 drivers in "standard" mode as opposed to "turbo" mode.

Here is the VIA driver page: [url=""][/url]

There have been reports of the latest BIOS from Tyan removes the "CPU IOQ" setting and therefore eliminates your ability to change the setting.

If you have a Micron computer, BIOS updates are available here: [url=""][/url]

If you have an Asus P3V4X motherboard (or have more interest in the IOQ setting), there is some information at: [url=""][/url]

If you are unable to resolve the issue of crashing during the movies, you will have do disable movies in BG2 by editing your baldur.ini file. Go the the section labled "Program Options" and add a line saying "Disable Movies=1" anywhere in that section. All plot advancement is done through in-game cutscenes so you will not miss any plot points by disabling the movies.

What would be interesting is the type of chipsets you people have whose games have crashed. I have Athlon (no crashes) my sister has Intel (crashes)

I hope this helps ;)

[ 07-24-2001: Message edited by: Yshania ]

[ 07-24-2001: Message edited by: Yshania ]

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2001 1:32 am
by Saruman
Thanks Yshania, personnally I have an intel cpu with an intel chipset mainboard (BX) not a via. so most of the above unfortunately does not apply. But when I get home this eve. I will give the Disable Movies = 1 line and see if that helps.

If it doesn't I'll have to download the TOSC patch and hope that resolves the issue.

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2001 10:16 am
by ThorinOakensfield
Lets see.
we got
and i think we've got a person named bilbo
Soon we'll have every character from LotR .

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2001 12:00 pm
by Saruman
Don't forget (Alexander) Denethorn.

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2001 2:22 am
by Saruman
Thanks to all those who responded, the problem was resolved by installing the TOSC patch. :D

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2001 12:48 pm
by Yshania
Sarumen - I am glad you sorted the problem - and thank you too! I will let my sister know the ToSC patch helped you - see if it helps her finish the game (after how many years?lol!) She is easily frustrated.... ;)