The King's Inheritance (Campaign Thread)
Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 6:29 pm
The stench of this backwater rustic tavern is unmistakably comprised of piss flavored ale, sweat, and death. A few miles just east of a slightly better off city Starfall is Havenbrook, a pit stop village no one stays in for very long. A perfect village for stashing loot, for planning crimes, and even for exploiting. The one thing keeping this village sane is the elder, supposedly a powerful priestess from Starfall. Though it matters not, you won't be staying for long anyways.
“Listen up!” Keb says, gulping down the last of his drink and slamming the cup on the table. He's slightly tipsy, though nowhere close to drunk. “You guys have...*hic* been with me for what? Four...five months now? I kinda like you guys, you make my job easy. You bring me useless crap, I turn it into awesome stuff I can sell.
There's a rumor circulating, a well informed and reputable rumor that is, that there is a... 'treasure' to be had in a fortress. Labyrinth of the Wondrous Kings. Ever heard of it? Figured you didn't, no matter.
In a great war from long ago, several kings died during the war. Not from trite matters like being poisoned or assassinated, these guys were front line soldiers first, kings second. Heroes of the time long ago. Eight of them died, eight of them were buried in a single fortress. They were all enemies, and it was decreed that after the war, they should be buried together to show that a united land will soon come to be.
That dream died hundreds of years ago, and the fortress long abandoned. Not many people even know what it is let alone where it is...except me of course!
He pulls out a map, “There!” he points. “There is our target.” He points to a far off island to the west in the steaming sea, just southwest of Halgrim. “The easiest way to get there, and trust me this really is the best, is to go through Ustalav down to Nirmathas, to the city of Nisroch in Nidal. There we catch a ferry, from Nisroch to Promise in Hermea and finally to Halgrim.
Travelling through the mainlands should be fine, no major issues to speak of but Hermea on the other hand is ungoverned land. Promise is a small fortress, and will generally be fine if you don't piss anyone off but we'll have to travel north to an unmarked city,” he says pointing to a blank area on the island of Hermea. “That's our biggest problem. Lets just say cannibalism is one of their milder issues.
The unmarked city is sort of a hovel for brigands and marauders, we'll just have to be sure and find one of the more honorable ones. Hmph, and maybe monkeys might start flying out of my ass too,” he jokes. “Once in Halgrim, we're on our own.
The treasure we're looking for is an heirloom from one of the kings, the goblin king Drebket. It's a brooch called the infinity castle.
Now...I'm sure there are other treasures to be had whether from the ones you find along the way or if you feel you must, the ones you find on the other kings but the infinity castle is something extraordinary.
The goblin king Drebket supposedly found a way to store the entire might of a king's castle into a single brooch. I have no idea what that means or what specifically the item does but an artifact of that magnitude is definitely something to invest my effort in, hence why I've come to you.
I'm an artisan. I craft things, hammer and chisel are my forte not beating up the uglies, crazies and everything in between. I offer you free travel, shelter, food, basic healing and any and all treasure you find along the way so long as this becomes mine. Oh, and I'll be willing to give you a discount here and there for items you want me to craft you if you take the job.
Any questions?”
“Listen up!” Keb says, gulping down the last of his drink and slamming the cup on the table. He's slightly tipsy, though nowhere close to drunk. “You guys have...*hic* been with me for what? Four...five months now? I kinda like you guys, you make my job easy. You bring me useless crap, I turn it into awesome stuff I can sell.
There's a rumor circulating, a well informed and reputable rumor that is, that there is a... 'treasure' to be had in a fortress. Labyrinth of the Wondrous Kings. Ever heard of it? Figured you didn't, no matter.
In a great war from long ago, several kings died during the war. Not from trite matters like being poisoned or assassinated, these guys were front line soldiers first, kings second. Heroes of the time long ago. Eight of them died, eight of them were buried in a single fortress. They were all enemies, and it was decreed that after the war, they should be buried together to show that a united land will soon come to be.
That dream died hundreds of years ago, and the fortress long abandoned. Not many people even know what it is let alone where it is...except me of course!
He pulls out a map, “There!” he points. “There is our target.” He points to a far off island to the west in the steaming sea, just southwest of Halgrim. “The easiest way to get there, and trust me this really is the best, is to go through Ustalav down to Nirmathas, to the city of Nisroch in Nidal. There we catch a ferry, from Nisroch to Promise in Hermea and finally to Halgrim.
Travelling through the mainlands should be fine, no major issues to speak of but Hermea on the other hand is ungoverned land. Promise is a small fortress, and will generally be fine if you don't piss anyone off but we'll have to travel north to an unmarked city,” he says pointing to a blank area on the island of Hermea. “That's our biggest problem. Lets just say cannibalism is one of their milder issues.
The unmarked city is sort of a hovel for brigands and marauders, we'll just have to be sure and find one of the more honorable ones. Hmph, and maybe monkeys might start flying out of my ass too,” he jokes. “Once in Halgrim, we're on our own.
The treasure we're looking for is an heirloom from one of the kings, the goblin king Drebket. It's a brooch called the infinity castle.
Now...I'm sure there are other treasures to be had whether from the ones you find along the way or if you feel you must, the ones you find on the other kings but the infinity castle is something extraordinary.
The goblin king Drebket supposedly found a way to store the entire might of a king's castle into a single brooch. I have no idea what that means or what specifically the item does but an artifact of that magnitude is definitely something to invest my effort in, hence why I've come to you.
I'm an artisan. I craft things, hammer and chisel are my forte not beating up the uglies, crazies and everything in between. I offer you free travel, shelter, food, basic healing and any and all treasure you find along the way so long as this becomes mine. Oh, and I'll be willing to give you a discount here and there for items you want me to craft you if you take the job.
Any questions?”