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The King's Inheritance (Campaign Thread)

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 6:29 pm
by Siberys
The stench of this backwater rustic tavern is unmistakably comprised of piss flavored ale, sweat, and death. A few miles just east of a slightly better off city Starfall is Havenbrook, a pit stop village no one stays in for very long. A perfect village for stashing loot, for planning crimes, and even for exploiting. The one thing keeping this village sane is the elder, supposedly a powerful priestess from Starfall. Though it matters not, you won't be staying for long anyways.

“Listen up!” Keb says, gulping down the last of his drink and slamming the cup on the table. He's slightly tipsy, though nowhere close to drunk. “You guys have...*hic* been with me for what? Four...five months now? I kinda like you guys, you make my job easy. You bring me useless crap, I turn it into awesome stuff I can sell.

There's a rumor circulating, a well informed and reputable rumor that is, that there is a... 'treasure' to be had in a fortress. Labyrinth of the Wondrous Kings. Ever heard of it? Figured you didn't, no matter.

In a great war from long ago, several kings died during the war. Not from trite matters like being poisoned or assassinated, these guys were front line soldiers first, kings second. Heroes of the time long ago. Eight of them died, eight of them were buried in a single fortress. They were all enemies, and it was decreed that after the war, they should be buried together to show that a united land will soon come to be.

That dream died hundreds of years ago, and the fortress long abandoned. Not many people even know what it is let alone where it is...except me of course!

He pulls out a map, “There!” he points. “There is our target.” He points to a far off island to the west in the steaming sea, just southwest of Halgrim. “The easiest way to get there, and trust me this really is the best, is to go through Ustalav down to Nirmathas, to the city of Nisroch in Nidal. There we catch a ferry, from Nisroch to Promise in Hermea and finally to Halgrim.

Travelling through the mainlands should be fine, no major issues to speak of but Hermea on the other hand is ungoverned land. Promise is a small fortress, and will generally be fine if you don't piss anyone off but we'll have to travel north to an unmarked city,” he says pointing to a blank area on the island of Hermea. “That's our biggest problem. Lets just say cannibalism is one of their milder issues.

The unmarked city is sort of a hovel for brigands and marauders, we'll just have to be sure and find one of the more honorable ones. Hmph, and maybe monkeys might start flying out of my ass too,” he jokes. “Once in Halgrim, we're on our own.

The treasure we're looking for is an heirloom from one of the kings, the goblin king Drebket. It's a brooch called the infinity castle.

Now...I'm sure there are other treasures to be had whether from the ones you find along the way or if you feel you must, the ones you find on the other kings but the infinity castle is something extraordinary.

The goblin king Drebket supposedly found a way to store the entire might of a king's castle into a single brooch. I have no idea what that means or what specifically the item does but an artifact of that magnitude is definitely something to invest my effort in, hence why I've come to you.

I'm an artisan. I craft things, hammer and chisel are my forte not beating up the uglies, crazies and everything in between. I offer you free travel, shelter, food, basic healing and any and all treasure you find along the way so long as this becomes mine. Oh, and I'll be willing to give you a discount here and there for items you want me to craft you if you take the job.

Any questions?”

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 6:30 pm
by Siberys
Map of Golarion- ... on_Map.jpg

You are to the north, next to "The Worldwound" in Numeria. I'm using the names of these places on this map for geographical context, but not their history or politics.

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:41 am
by blank
Esterimas Deed

"Just one Keb, approximately how long would it take to get there?" (assuming it all goes smooth which probably wont :p )

after he answeres

"Anyways I cant wait to get started, a toast! to the beginning of our journey"

I lift my beer bashing it with the others and take it all down

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 8:32 am
by kozeph

"Heres for a long and rewarding trip" I toast with the others and smile "May they bring us with fame as well as riches!"

"My only question is when do we set off!" I laugh then take a sip of my drink.

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:04 pm
by Siberys
"The trip should take about a months time total," he says. "Most of that will be on land, once we get to sea things should be easier depending on what kind of ship we board."

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:06 pm
by malinzaro
Siberys wrote:The stench of this backwater rustic tavern
Any questions?”
Sodwah took a long sip from his ale and nods towards Keb with glittering eyes,

"Keb, you surely have a way with words. No wonder we're so hooked up with you. How about you tell us what is the plan? Like when do we leave and what we should ready ourselves for. I am convinced you wouldn't risk our skins for nothing."

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:17 pm
by Siberys
Keb looks at you, "Indeed, I'm not simply sending you out there without any sort of contingency. As I said, I'm offering up free healing, bedding, food, and shelter along the entire way.

We leave in two days, and for the time being there's no need for a plan yet. While I do know this rumor is reputable in nature, that doesn't even guarantee that this place exists or it's where I've been told it is. Lets just focus on finding the Labyrinth before we assume too much.

Before we even get off shore we'll need to ensure we have a way back on, and Nisroch is where we'll do that."

Keb's [url=""]attitude[/url] is now 12

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 6:22 am
by kozeph

"Well even if we dont find the laberynth we are bound to find many things on our travels"

I smile and take another sip of my drink

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 9:00 am
by malinzaro
Siberys wrote:Keb looks at you, "Indeed, I'm not simply sending you out there without any sort of contingency.
Keb's [url=""]attitude[/url] is now 12
I nod with approval,

"Then what are we wasting time for? The sooner we get there, the better."

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 1:35 pm
by Siberys
"Ha! I appreciate the enthusiasm but while you may be ready, the bison and my caravan sure aren't. Gotta make sure everything is in order.

We'll leave at dawn, day after tomorrow. You can do whatever the hell ya feel like till then, just don't piss off the local authorities, I'd rather leave here with all three of you and not just your heads on a silver platter."

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 8:13 pm
by kozeph

"Well then, where should we meet once the two days pass noble patron?"

I say while finishing my drink

after that I head to my room or pay for one.

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 8:58 pm
by Siberys
"Heh, that's funny. Noble. I'll have to write that one down.

I'm setting up a small shop outside of town while things are being prepared, meet me there when it's time."

At this point your characters are free to do as they wish, or if, as a collective decision, you want to simply move on we can do that too. The village your in is an orc-tribe village, slightly less than a town but more than a nomadic encampment. There are markets, there are orcs, there is a steady decrease in the population every few days, and there are orcs.

Not all orcs here are evil, but some are right bastards especially when drunk.

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 7:29 pm
by kozeph

I call It a night and head to my room

"I'll see you guys later"

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 12:59 am
by malinzaro
Siberys wrote:"Heh, that's funny. Noble. I'll have to write that one down.
Not all orcs here are evil, but some are right bastards especially when drunk.

I rather don't have anything to do with this orc scums so with a hasty motion I finish the rest of ale and move to my room,

"Good night everyone! Keb, you might consider leaving this place earlier than planned. Sitting in the middle of so many orcs without cutting their heads down makes me feel unease."

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 2:25 pm
by blank
Esterimas Deed
"Unless you think there is something interesting worth inquiring in this orc infested nest, I'd rather help you out setting the shop if you need anything?"

if not i'll just pass the time as well

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 3:27 am
by Orod
I open the door and stumble against the table with my companions "Oh, magnificent, you're here. Sorry I'm late and stuff, But I severely underestimated Orc stamina this morning." As i say this I sit down on a chair by the table. "Well, great to see you again Kebby. So, what has your magnificent mind come up with? Treasure, exploration, towns with prettier babes and tastier wine I hope. You guys won't believe, wait, yes the quest." My eyes set on the goblin, waiting for the summary.

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 5:07 am
by Siberys
Keb gives you the cliffnotes for the whole diatribe he just gave as everyone else seems to be leaving. "Basically we're going to this far off island and it'll take about a month," he says. "We leave day after tomorrow, so get some rest, get prepared, and please don't be late."

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 1:56 pm
by Siberys

You wake up the next morning by smelling an odd stench early on, at dawn. The stench is of something old and rotting. As you adjust your eyes to the brightness of the morning sun, you take a look at what's making the stench-

Will Save please.


Your dreams are riddled with randomness galore, like all dreams of course. But...unlike all dreams, there is a rather odd, recurring theme that keeps popping up, something very unique.

In every type of dream you have, be it a dream where you travel, a dream where you fight, a dream where you die, or a dream where you fornicate, there is always somewhere nearby a duck billed platypus with a blue feathered beavers tail and a red glowing glass eye with a scar going down the eyelids.

You wake up.


When you go to bed...

You have a simple dream. A totemic mask divided in two halves, one black and one white seems to be having a conversation with someone. That someone is you but you are viewing "you" in the third person, from a far off distance.

The eyes of the mask shift and look up at you, and in a rather disturbing and almost playful voice you hear it say "I SEEEEEE YOUUUUUU!!!!" as it grins.

You then wake up, freaked out a little.


You seem to have a conjured dream, from someone else. You don't know why, but at the very least no harm is coming to you.

You see the visage of a beautiful woman in pale white skin with a light blue robe. "I don't know who you are, and I know you don't know who I am. To be honest, I don't even care if you believe me, I just want to tell my story to someone before I die.

Long ago I was once a beautiful woman, but that was hundreds of years ago I looked as though I do now. I am shriveled, old, and wasted. In a kingdom far south of here, I had my love for someone, and someone else had their love for me.

Whoever loved me was powerful, I didn't care though and I told them that. They had me arrested, and my lover killed. She was beautiful, like me, and they murdered her in front of my eyes. I've been told I will stay in this prison until I admit my love for the one who imprisoned me and well...he died two hundred years ago. Now they think I'm just some witch being locked up.

I am imprisoned in the Isle of Kortos, and there I shall remain until my days end.

Whoever you are, thank you for listening."

The dream ends and you awaken at the crack of dawn.

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 2:58 pm
by Orod
I use the following days carousing, getting to know the people of the place, interested and inquiring about habits and local figures.

(Gather information 1d20+4: 22, Diplomacy 1d20+4: 20)

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 4:34 pm
by Siberys

The first person you find is a half-orc butcher, "Yeah whaddya want?!

Oh, you like butcherin' too? Good clean fun in my book! Easy to do and best of all, not illegal! Haha!" He jokes. "Simple really, you grab a chicken like this one," he roughly grabs a live chicken, "hold it down and *thwack* chop it's head off like that," you see a chicken head roll to the ground. "Just make sure to keep ahold of the chicken while you do that, they tend to run around even without their heads!"

You found that to be a little distasteful but it's not as if it's uncommon or grotesque, it is afterall, how it's done. He seemed to be the only gregarious one though. Others, seem to make jokes that sound more like threats, or just flat out telling you off.

Not too many people here are fond of other races than orcs, and half-orcs despite their blood, are included in that "Other races" category.

They tolerate you though for the time being.