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Patch Assistance Request
Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 5:14 pm
by Grimm Reaper
Had to reload the game on to a new computer and a bug or three have appeared. Signs thus far are...
1) Following a quest completed for Lacroix, complete with email confirming, the payment does not arrive.
2) Boxes which should hold ammo and/or guns are empty.
3) If I try to save more than one of anything(car radios, bottles, etc) in my haven's trunk all but one vanish forever.
Any advice would be welcome.
Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 6:29 pm
by Shizz
Not that I can actually help, but let me ask two questions the answers to which are important for the people who can help:
1) What patch are you using? 1.2 Official? One of the "True VTMB" patches? One of Wesp5's Unofficial Patches? If it's any of the latter options, what version it is?
2) Did you continue a save game from another patch? If so, start over or revert to the old patch w/ the original savegame - continuing older games does not make VTMB happy.
Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 9:11 pm
by Grimm Reaper
I'm not sure if any patch(es) have been downloaded in the first place.
Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 9:33 am
by Shizz
There might be your problem... unpatched Bloodlines is buggy as all hell.
Unless you got it off Steam or another download service, I recommend installing at least the official 1.2 patch (query the search engine of your choice for a dl location), or, better yet, get the latest Unofficial Patch (dl link in the thread on this board, latest version is 7.1) - it already includes the official patch, btw.
Be sure to start a new game, though. This might be unpleasant, but'll save you a lot of unnecessary frustration.
If, however, you got the game by download, I'm quite stumped as to what the problem is, I'm afraid.
Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 11:44 am
by Sir Twist
1) Which quest is it? Is it the one for the werewolf blood? I don't think that one you ever get money for. But try, after you check the e-mail, going out and coming back in. That may help to find the reward. I just don't know.
2) Did you previously empty them? That could be the problem.
3) Sell, not store, car radios, bottles, etc. You can hold up to ten of the items, however, it's better to sell them. They give you some money. Money is what you need for the game.
Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 7:09 pm
by Grimm Reaper
It's the restaurant review quest and I can't save up to ten items or even two. The extras simply vanish. I was trying to save more cash, knowing I would soon be able to read a book twice and jump haggle from 2 to 4.
Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 9:25 pm
by Sir Twist
I've not gotten paid for any of LaCroix's missions. I have gotten humanity or masquerade redemption, and XP. But I didn't get any money from those side missions of his.
You can keep up to ten of any item in your inventory, Your best bet, maybe, is to sell any weapons that you don't need, and you may have a little more money that way than you would normally do. I tend to have about 10k, or more, money when I am close to finishing the game.
Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 11:09 pm
by Shizz
Restaurant Review quest does, however, indeed give you a monetary reward. Or should, at least.... and storing multiple items apparently does not work as intended. As such, it seems likely that Grimm indeed is a victim of VTMB's legendary bugginess.
Again, I suggest using a patch, if you aren't already; alternatively, you can ignore those (rather minor) bugs and trudge on, since you already made it into Hollywood and none of these things are necessary for completing the game. Be aware, however, that things might get rather uncomfortable towards the end - there are one or two quite infamous bugs that only got resolved w/ the patch(es).
Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 8:34 am
by Grimm Reaper
So I should find patch 1.2 then?
Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:26 am
by Shizz
That, or use Wesp5's unofficial patch which already includes patch 1.2. Either way, be sure to start a new game after you've applied the patch.
Unless you have bought the game off Steam, Direct2Drive or a similar service, in which case patch 1.2 should already be applied, which should spare you from suffering worse bugs (
should, mind you, not will....)
Either way, cursing at the game for being buggy, evil and utterly horrible is very much part of the VTMB experience (although Wesp5 seems to be working busily on changing that)
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 9:09 am
by Grimm Reaper
This may seem like a ridiculous follow-up but where can I find patch 1.2 and does installing the patch mean I'll have to start the game over?
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 12:32 pm
by Sir Twist
If you want just the 1.2 patch, there are many places to find it. The best place is the same place you would find Wesp's patches. I don't remember if you have to start a new game, or not, but with just the patch, I would say not really on starting a new game. I could be wrong, though.
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 3:46 pm
by Shizz
VTMB Official 1.2 Patch download - Vampire: The Masquerade ? Bloodlines Game - Mod DB
First result on google
Other than that, I'd recommend starting over... you can try continuing the game, but you might encounter some oddities or a certain unfixed critical (there are, however, ways to deal with that one). If you can stand some annoyances and/or are very far in the game, try playing on first.
Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 4:04 am
by Tenser
Well ... you definitely get money for the werwolf blood quest.
Insert blood in mailbox, leave house, reenter house, open mailbox again - you get the money, read your computer again - you get experience (I think only a single point, but still).