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Thoughts about powegaming

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 7:50 am
by Sykar
Ok I will use this thread to present my party which has some ideas from the powergaming guides while presenting some of my own ideas as well.

PC 1: Saphira, NG human female Bard 9 / Druid 21 (6/8/8/18/18/18)
Roles: Diplomat/Healer/Buffer/Tank
Same as in Silverdragon's guide with a few tweaks like getting max in int, wis and char. Furthermore added Mercentile background as one of the first feats since I do not need that many feats and it leads to several 10ks of gold saved. Wild Shape*3, Lingering Song are the 4 most important. Otherwise I am quite flexible with it.
She will take care of the Pick Pocketing as well.

PC 2:Vishira, CG female Drow, Cleric of Lathander 20+x/Pal 1/Monk 3/Figher 4 (6/20/8/8/18/20)
Roles: Healer/Buffer/Debuffer/Blaster/ emergency tank.
This is my very own dedicated full fledged priest. I opted for Lathander for the Imp Turning Feat and the special ability which can heal up to 40 Hitpoints instantly which is quite nice. I would prefer only 1 level of Paladin but then I'll get trouble with Monk and Fighter levels added and exp penalties.
Futhermore close to no undead can stand her Turning abilities especially in normal making those undead grounds cake walk.
With Pala levels and quest rewards she will be able to reach a teriffic AC and can serve as secondary tank in emergency. But her main will be blasting with spells, healing buffing and using a good ranged weapon. When she is fully done with her cleric levels she gets the final touchs to be a terrific ranged fighter with bows or slings. Fighter Extra Feats for Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialiation and Rapid Shot. Last level of fighter will give me Exp penalty but won't care at that point anymore.
Only real weakness: 8 Con but I can live with it.

PC 3 Morkaine, TN male Drow, Evoker (30), (6/20/16/20/12/6)
Roles: Blaster/Debuffer/secondary Buffer

My main blaster. Opted for Evoker over Sorcerer since I prefer having a wide range of spells. Loosing Diviniation which provides See Invis and Identify only both wich are completely worthless. Conjuration doesn't really hurt either since I loose Mage Armor and Ghost Armor only but can still get Spirit Armor. Summons via Shades, Shadow Conjuration and Animate Dead possible.
Tons of feats over Sorc which means at level 7 I will have GSF Evo and GSF Trans, Necro or Ench. Straight 30 levels for maximized duration on Mass Haste and maximized damage on Skull Trap. I don't need the rogue skills on him they are provided by someone else.
I will get new spell levels 1 character level sooner which leads him to acquire power a bit faster over for example Aasimar Pal 2/ Sorc 28.

PC 4: Razan, LG deep gnome Rogue(2)/Paladin(1)/Illusionist(x), (16/20/14/18/5/1)
Roles: main Thief/main Tank/Buffer/Debuffer/secondary Blaster

Pretty much straight from Jupps updated Powergaming Guide. Forgoing Pick Pocket which is provided by my PC 1.

With that backbone party is ready. Missing: 2 Berserkers dealing ridiculous melee damage and acting as mules since three out of four have bad strength scores so we need some more who can carry stuff.

PC 5: Karrak, CN half orc Barbarian 15/ Stormlord of Talos 15 (20/10/18/8/17/1)
Roles: Berserker/Buffer/emergency Healer
This guy will be a main source of continous damage especially in normal together with the main tank especially at start. His Dex is left at 10 because I don't need another potential ranged damage dealer and he won't reach sufficient AC in HoF anyway.
He gets 15 levels of cleric to heavily buff himself with nice stuff like Holy Power, DUHM, Bless, Prayer, Recitation, etc. I will get level 5 cleric spells only but that will suffice. For emergencies there will be Sanctuary, Divine Shell and Shield of Lathander. Level 9 spells are not needed. Could forgoe 4 levels of Barb and get 4 llevels of fighter. Still greater Rage is nice with +3 saves, 6 strength and 6 Con. that is something no priest buff gives. While Holy Might can give a bit more Str it doesnt add save bonus nor gives it a tremendous HP bonus. I do not think that 3 extra feats and +2 damage would make a noticable difference. On the other Hand Weapon specialization stacks with all other boni and is active all the time. So 4 levels of Fighter might come but only squatted in the end.
Talos was chosen since he can get another +2 damage and +2 to hit for up to 13 rounds. Storm Shell is a great defensive buff especially against the Will o'Wisps in Fell Wood.
Not decided yet if I will go 2 handed or dual wield style. Dual wield costs 2 more feats but I don't need any GSF, Spell Penetration or what not feats. Needs 1 point of Wis from level up but can dump the rest into Strenght. Barb levels with 18 Const give him tremendous amounts of Hit Points to soak some damage when he gets focused.
Since I cannot get ultimate AC with this one getting Monk levels are pointless as well. Dex sucks anyway for a max Dex/Wis AC build. Could shuffle points but what would be the point? It's a max damage dealer not a tank. I have 3 potential tanks already.

Weakness: Mainly no SR. Probably the only char with that weakness. Could go for a drow but she has less Con and less Str. DG even worse with 4 Str less. PC 1 will get SR via Hald Dragon form. Both drow have it naturally as does the DG. Shouldn't be a big deal if I am careful.

PC 6: Liltih, CG human, Ranger(3)/Fighter(4)/Sorc 13+x , (18/10/18/8/3/16)
Roles: Berserker/Buffer/ Debuffer/secondary Blaster
My second Berserker is a third arcane caster since I have 2 clerics and 1 druid already adding a 4th divine caster would be boring. Since I do not have a Sorc yet and wanted to play a different than usual Sorc I go with a Spellsword Sorc.
First two feats went into EW:BS and started as Ranger. Righter after will go for Sorc until 12 or 13 for Tensers. Would like to keep Ranger lower but can't due to exp penalty.
Main spells would be Shield, Mage Armor, Mirrors, Haste, Ghost Armor, Spirit Armor, Stone Skin, Malison,Tensers,Trollish Fortitude. Mass Haste will be cast by either PC 3 or PC 4.
Human was chosen to avoid exp penalty. Only other alternative would have been wild elf. No thanks.