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Favored Soul Bug
Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 11:00 am
by Revan1993
I created a favored soul, but I didn't get the deity weapon profiency (Oghma in my case, so it's a longsword)
Any1 any ideas?
Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 1:21 pm
by Scottg
The weapon proficiency is Martial, not Longsword. Check your character sheet (feat listing) for Martial Weapon Proficiency.
At 3rd level (of Favored Soul) you'll get the Weapon Focus Longsword feat.
Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 1:44 pm
by Revan1993
Are you sure?
The favored soul class should automatically be proficient with all simple weapons + his favored weapon but i can't wear the longsword (or do you get it with the weapon focus at lvl 3?) i'm an aasimar so still lvl 2 when the game starts
Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 2:05 pm
by Scottg
Revan1993 wrote:Are you sure?
The favored soul class should automatically be proficient with all simple weapons + his favored weapon but i can't wear the longsword (or do you get it with the weapon focus at lvl 3?) i'm an aasimar so still lvl 2 when the game starts
FS get's simple weapon proficiency (no longsword). With your deity they should also get Martial Weapon Proficiency, and should be able to use a longsword as a result.
HOWEVER, there is a bug (listed from the wiki):
"..seems to be bugged; souls of Tyr cannot equip any martial weapons, including longsword. at level 3 with the weapon focus longsword can be equipped, but if you want to dual wield with a shortsword you need to waste a feat on martial weapons*
The bug is that if the "Back" button is used at any time during character creation, a FS will not get their first weapon proficiency feat. If you make a mistake creating the character, choose cancel instead and start over."
Basically start over *completely* (main menu).

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 2:22 pm
by Revan1993
seems to be no other option then,
anyway, thanks for the help