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Good Soldier to jedi guardian build

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 10:06 pm
by Lord++Revan
Hey I have good builds that made malak a pushover,and does anybody have good builds as well. :) :) :mischief:

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 10:29 pm
by Lord++Revan

Alright first of all make a soldier with these stats:
Strength:15 what melee fighter doesnt hav good strength?
Dexterity:13 purely for the reflexes
Constitution:14 TANKIN" style :)
Intelligence:12 for skills :)
rest as u see fit :)

Feats:Overall thro levelin of the entire game
while levelin (do as much as u can,u might not get them all...}

max toughness BEST
max 2 weap. fightin good!!
max power attack
max crit strike for stun and damage its a great feat :p
I only got those!!

When u becom a guardian.....

Force powers:Not many
max heal {good or evil doesnt matter still handy trust me it makes a diiff:\}
get to force wave in force push tree(handy if u need healin and ur surrounded)
the rest is up to u

equipment:good armor such as an upgraded calo nord battle armor

Double lighttsaber with::
krayt dragon pearl
and the + 5 dmg(cant remember its name)
color:; is cool................

I hope this guide helped u at least a tiny bit ill add stuff on later but plz add ur buildz!

btw u can hav any alignment u want
may the force be with u

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 4:16 am
by Darth Gavinius
For best results, I only take 5 -6 levels or so of Soldier - when hitting level 5 just keep the XP - it makes the game trickier for a while (and nightmarish for a Scoundrel) but by saving these levels you become a better Jedi sooner in the game - on easier difficulties and being really thorough you can get be >level 9 by the time you finish Taris. As far as jedi powers for a guardian go, I find its best to take the powers along these branches:

Valor, Speed and Wave. There is nothing more devastating than a lightning fast guardian force jumping around the battlefield hacking everything to death. I find Heal is pretty pointless unless you play as a Consular, which is a more supporting role - stimpacks and health packs are relatively easy to come across - as a guardian you want to be a frontline fighter, there is no point wasting a turn to use the heal force power, better to take Resistance and Valor, powers that minimise the damage you will sustain.

I also find with a guardian that 2-lightsabers are better than a Double-Bladed - twice the number of perks through crystals etc. Use one blade (off hand) for defensive buffs like bolt deflection and main hand to inflict massive criticals. It also means you can keep a bunch of different lightsabers and swap them around for different fights.

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 2:35 pm
by Lord++Revan
thanks but i tried 2 lightsabers at 1st andd it like never hit and i had maxed out 2 weap fighting and a flurry with a double blade is badass :)

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 2:38 pm
by Lord++Revan
good point about the healin tho,but when u max it out it's well worth a turn

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 10:09 am
by Lord++Revan
but thro the game theres a few parts where ur flyin solo and u hav no healin support and i dont usually stack points in treat injury cuz i focus mainly on persuasion becuz of more money and near the end of the game i had 100k credits no joke becuz of persuasion but i thought it trho and 2 single blade is a better frontline fighter weaps but i go more fore bein damage because i hav jolee most the time and he helps heal or bastilla who i stackd wisdom on and she had tons of force points more than 1/2 the game u dont get to hav bastilla so i guess ur right but i and i usually get 2 points on valor and i use stims instead for buffs and canderous supplies frreeee stims

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 10:53 am
by MalaksBane
Scoundrel/Guardian 7/13 made Malak a pushover

Made Malak run back for his batteries before he could even try to hit - the guy was pathetic - even more so because he couldn't realize how he didn't stand a chance and kept on trying. (my fault for forgetting destroy-droid / throw lightsaber).

And Force Jump hitting mobs with Sneak Attack (4 times - double bladed, master speed) is more then enough to kill most of them in the first round. Way overpowered.