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Not Swore so much at a game in a while!

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 3:04 pm
by Darth Gavinius
I have to say - underneath the red haze... Alpha Protocol is immensly fun. I've had it sitting on my hard disk for months and I've been avoiding it, mainly because of the reviews I'd read... and for the most part they have been right.

My biggest points of fury have been:

Checkpoints - nice way to show that Alpha Protocol is a console port Obsidian!
The Minigames - the Hacking - and I admit I only got the hang of this part after I had lost my temper - and my vision was hazed red! :laugh:
Combat - Weapon combat is cumbersome - sort of like Mass Effect without the Tactical HUD. Lobbing grenades tends to leave you exposed and ends up killing you.

Strangely Alpha Protocol reminds me most of playing vanilla VtM:B - crappy guns, awkward melee but awesome as a game of stealth and assassination. Sometimes the AI are hyper intelligent and can see through doors, sometimes they stand staring at the wall waiting to die - again a bit like Vampires (vanilla). If you haven't yet played it, I would recommend it.

With all the swearing I am doing, I'll soon have enough put by for another game! :laugh: