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scoundrel-consular vs Marl
Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:01 am
by mistered
Marl is too fast. I tried grenade and run but it did not work. My scoundrel has 2 blaster pistols which take a long time to hurt him. Any suggestion?
Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 12:23 pm
by Darth Gavinius
??? What level are you? Marl can be more difficult to beat than Twitch - and I find is best to grenade (concussion) then melee... pistols are pretty worthless in the Dueling pits due to the starting range.
Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 4:56 pm
by Kaer
Hi mistered!
I would tend to disagree with the above. Marl typically moves too fast for explosives to be very useful. One thing I HAVE wanted to try was sneaking about as a scoundrel to place mines, but I have a feeling it wouldn't be successful since you are thrown straight into combat, if I remember correctly.
I typically do the run and shoot thing. The real problem with scoundrels is that Marl is strong enough to potentially take you out in one hit, especially if you are trying for the lvl 2 scoundrel/lvl 18 consular build. The best thing to do is still the blaster movement otherwise and hope for the best, which is what I typically do for my Scout/Sentinel builds since I typically cut myself off at level 5.
Twitch, on the other hand, can be wiped out with explosives far more easily with a scoundrel. Between explosives and melee, Twitch is actually easier than Marl, which I've always found rather funny. Even in feedback, outside of dodging and shooting blasters, Twitch is definitely worse than Marl, so I've never figured how Twitch has stayed at the top of the dueling circuit on Taris.
One thing to consider is that dual wielding is going to reduce your chance to hit rather dramatically if you have the wrong feats. Marl also has a very high defense, and it typically takes a solid roll on your part to get a shot on him. I'd recommend single wielding when facing Marl to increase the amount of times you can hit with that blaster, since you typically aren't doing yourself a favour dual wielding early in the game against any enemy with a high defense and good saves if you haven't at least managed the second tier of dual wield. I'd also use Carth's blaster, fully upgraded. He won't mind, you can give it back after.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 11:46 am
by mistered
One thing to consider is that dual wielding is going to reduce your chance to hit rather dramatically if you have the wrong feats
The problem is as a scoundrel or scout you need to select your feats carefully. Since the majority of guides encourage dual wield, most players just follow that.What I means is either you select dual wield or single wield and not both.
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:00 pm
by Kaer
Considering that it's a scoundrel and they have reduced feat access, the chance of anyone who is playing a scoundrel actually having the right feats is, I am betting low, especially since I personally believe some other feats are more worth it for the scoundrel class.
I am willing to bet that just about any person who has a scoundrel will find Marl easier going if they single wield, because you will end up hitting a lot more with a single weapon than with the weapon modifiers which get tossed on top of you otherwise. If Marl is a lesson for anyone who's interested in the underlying game mechanics for KotOR, it's a look at the dual wield modifiers and how it's not always in your best interest to dual wield.