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Corrupt files

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 12:26 pm
by snowieken
Hey all,

Been reading an old review of Icewind Dale and that got me in the mood for playing the game again. It took me a while to find the CD's, but the installation appeared to be without any trouble and a little while later I was playing through the first few quests in Easthaven.

When I indicated to Hrothgar that I was ready to leave for the expedition, the game crashed to a blue screen with the message "Media removed from drive, insert Icewind Dale disc 2", while disc 2 was still in the drive. I backed up my save files and reinstalled, making sure I did a full install, but it still didn't work. Another forum thread suggested that I should copy all the cd files manually to one directory and try to reinstall from there, and that's when I noticed some data files on cd 2 were corrupt: MVEfile1.bif (which I suspect is the file that the game is trying to load after leaving Easthaven), MVEfile2.bif and SNDVO.bif. They are probably damaged, there are a few minor scratches on the cd and I couldn't copy them to my hard drive.

My question: is it possible to get these three files from someone else - someone of you, perhaps - by e-mail or in the form of a download? I know it might sound fishy, but I can assure you I have bought the game in the past and it's just these three files I need. They are in the data folder on CD 2 and the combined size is approx. 300 Mb.

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 1:55 pm
by Darth Gavinius
I would recommend you just buy a new copy of Icewind Dale+HOW from, it is DRM free and there are no CD's.

If is not an option (don't have a credit card or PAYPAL account), leave me a message on my profile with your email address and I will take a look for the files .7z them and send them to you if I can. If the disk is as bad as it sounds, then replacing these files may not be enough, there is no guarantee it wont decide to crash later on.

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 2:12 pm
by snowieken
I do have a GOG account and I must admit that I already considered buying a new copy. You have a point, replacing a few files might not be enough and will not fix my original copy. I am just a bit hesitative of purchasing a game I already have, guess it's the principle :)

I was actually checking if I have HoW somewhere, if I don't have it I will definately go for the GOG option.

For now I reinstalled Baldur's Gate though, I'm going to be busy with that for a while. If Icewind Dale is featured in a promo weekend in the mean time, I probably can't resist anyway! :laugh:

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 6:13 am
by Darth Gavinius
If you can't find your HOW disc then I seriously recommend buying the Icewind Dale full from, that way you can also get Trials of the Luremaster which is really good fun and HOW + TOLM will add an extra 8-12 hours of gameplay, plus add some useful items like Bags of Holding. I would also recommend (also with BG) going to Pocket Plane Group and Gibberling 3 and downloading the tweak packs - it can modify some of the annoying aspects of the games engine.