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oops....might have destroyed sarevok with wanted

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 4:25 pm
by pajasson

Played through this amazing series once again and decided to mess around with sarevok to make him into a berserker with different weaponproficensies..

i have this guide to redo the class on npcs wich includes deleeting all affects since new ones will be set after the first lvl up

anyway i think sarevoks deathbringer assault is gone...and that stun thing he has

anyone know how to set those?...perhaps just identifying the right affects on your game and give me the information

thx in advance

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 4:28 pm
by Stworca
I never had this problem, but what you could do is - using shadowkeeper! - copy effects from a core-sarevok and paste them into effects of your saved game one. Now, i am not 100% sure if deathbringer passive code is in his effects, but my first search place would be exactly there

If you've overriden the CORE one, then things are much more difficult.

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 5:16 pm
by Ode to a Grasshopper
You may have to do a reinstall, but for next time try [url=""]Level 1 NPCs[/url] when you want to change NPC classes.

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 5:21 pm
by pajasson
thanks for the quick response but i seem to have more trouble :(

i found the characterfiles i think.....instead of opening the savegame i opened some sort of character index and there were 5 different sarevoks to choose from(im guessing this is his various forms throughout the gameseries)

anyway i chose the one that had a facepicture and copied the only affect.

now when i play i get the deathbringer assault but it doesnt always add the damage?....had it maybe 5 times total on the testrun after and only 1 of them yielded extra damage...and only 100....pretty sure its supposed to be 200

dont remember seeing the stun thing he can do very often so i cant confirm if its there or not but im betting its gone too :(

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 5:24 pm
by galraen
It so happens I had a game save just before meeting up with Sarevok and recruiting him I just checked the save in Sk after recruiting him and he doesn't have any innate abilities that show up in Shadow Keeper.

This could be because of one of two things, either his deathbringer assault is handled by an external script, or Shadow Keeper, being designed as it was for Shadows of Amn, not Throne of Bhal, can't handle it.

On checking with IEEP, I found a spell called Sareveff.spl which seems to b e the correct file; that as it happens doesn't show up in Shadow Keeper when you search the spell list.

Which all means that if you edit Sarevok in SK, you probably lose his Deathbriger Assault. Which explains why I've never seen it happen. I always edit him and turn him into a Berserker on the rare occasions I do recruit him. Learn something new every day! Now I have an urge to play the game again without tinkering with Sarevok; and I thought I'd kicked my BG2 addiction. Damn you pajasson, I bet you give whisky to people as they come out of Alcoholics Anonymous too!!:laugh:

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 5:41 pm
by pajasson
hah...i know the feeling....seems like i do a playthrough atleast twice a year.

but this sareveff.spl sounds intressting because this affect i added (0x00F8) seem to have something to do with sareveff because it says sareveff in "resource 0"

If you still have the save could you check the affects tab on sarevok and give me the names of the affects?.....just want to see if im perhaps missing another affect aswell

dont need all the info just the names

and again im sorry about dragging you down to the baldurswamp again...its hard as hell to kick:laugh:

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 8:43 pm
by galraen
The only line in affects is

Type = 0x00F8

Name =

Param 1 = 0

Param 2 = 0

Resource 0 = SAREVEFF

Resource 1 to 3 =

Time = 0

Flags = 0x00000009

Target = 0x0000

So, name is actually null string (blank)

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:01 pm
by pajasson
Thx alot Galraen but it seems that was the exact affect i added...ofcourse

but i tried something wierd:

a long time ago i had trouble with valygars backstabmultiplier dissapearing and that was because some affects were gone....there is this affect u can add to give him 1 more x damage multiplier each time u duplicate it

since i added this 0x00f8 to sarevok i have seen him get a deathbringer assault but with no extradamage (or 100 on 1 occation) so i thought id try adding more of 0x00f8

with 4 of those affects deathbringer assault has always added 200 extradamage but in the log i get 4 deathbringer assault texts. Anyone know if this makes the deathbringerassault 4 times as common? oh and another wierd thing is that it did 140 extradamage to a greater airelemental? perhaps its based on their damageresists somehow?

i need to do some serious testing agains the same enemy with a different number of 0x00f8

but it feels like i messed him up.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:45 pm
by pajasson
it does seem like 4 of those affects indeed made the assault 4 times as common.....tried now with just one and the damage is normal...i am a bit confused

perhaps its just those statues on lvl 1 watchers keep that has some sort of resist like the greater air elemental on lvl 2 in windlibrary

anyway it does seem to work pretty normally even after an edit with the copied affect from core-sarevok

thx for the help!

Ps. can also confirm that he has the stun spell he is supposed to have