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Implants in NV

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:47 pm
by arsiwash
I have some questions regarding the implants.

1. Are the implants just to effect stats or do they do other things as well?

2. If they effect stats will they allow you to aquire some perks that have a stat requirement. I know that a perception of 5, 7 when wearing glasses was not enough to allow me to get Better Criticals Perk.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:22 pm
by jklinders
The implants count towards perk requirements so you can set your build with that in mind. They also function as normal for giving extra skill points in relevant skills ie extra melee points if you raise strength.

Caps are pretty easy to come by so there is little reason not to get as many implants as you want. However you can only have one implant per point of END in vanilla Fallout NV

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:02 pm
by Belthan
To answer your first question, the stat-boosting implants do not have any additional effects, but there are also two special implants available. One increases your DT and the other gives you a slow but steady HP regeneration.

Couple more caveats on your second question: You can also only have one implant per stat. e.g. after you buy the STR implant, the only way to raise STR any higher is to take the Intense Training perk. And the END implant does not count toward how many implants you can have. Say your END is 2, then you buy the STR implant and the END implant. Your END is now 3 but you're still limited to just the two implants. However, if you use the Intense Training perk to increase your END to 4, that does allow you to buy a third implant.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:48 pm
by arsiwash
Limit on implants?

Are you limited to the number of implants you can have?

Could you get the implant for each of your SPECIAL stats AND one for HP regen AND the other for raising your DT?

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 1:56 am
by Belthan
Number of implants is only limited by your END score (and having the caps to spend, of course), so if your END is 9, you can get all 9 implants.