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Tips and Hints (No Glitches or Cheating)
Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:19 am
by Sir Rowan
I was wondering if any of you guys knew more Tips and Hints non cheating and glitches. I only have 2, but i want to see if you guys got any too, they don't have to be great just some tips and hints.
Money: One easy thing to do is just go to a cave, ruins, lair, etc, and just kill the whole bas and loot whats good. Be sure you have a feather spell cause your going to want to have a lot of stuff to sell or keep.
Another one is to do the arena, its slow, but at the end you can have 6000 gold, great armor, and probably level up a lot. Do quests, that always gets you something good.
There not great, but ive tried it and they help me get tons of money. And just in general by looting there corpses and selling them i make decent amount of money.
Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:23 am
by Stworca
Not realy a glitch, but surely feels like exploiting.
By combining certain gear you'll be able to win all battles while watching TV in the other room. As an example
* Shield - Escutcheon of Chorrol (Received after level 25)
* Helmet - Ayleid Crown of Lindai (Received after level 25)
* Cuirass - Daedric/Glass - Resist Magic 20% (Transcendent Sigil Stone)
* Gauntlets - Daedric/Glass - Resist Magic 20% (Transcendent Sigil Stone)
* Greaves - Daedric/Glass - Resist Magic 20% (Transcendent Sigil Stone)
* Boots - Daedric/Glass - Resist Magic 20% (Transcendent Sigil Stone)
* Ring - Ring of the Iron Fist
* Ring - Ring of Vitality
* Amulet - Necklace of Swords/Amulet of Axes
Set Results
* Reflect Damage - 101%
* Resist Magic - 115%
* Resist Disease - 100%
* Resist Paralysis - 100%
* Resist Poison - 100%
* Fortify Hand to Hand and Blade/Blunt - 25 pts
* Fortify Endurance - 10 pts
Warning, it will make you uninstal oblivion instantly. I think there was a way to get 100% chameleon, 100% reflect damage AND 100% absorb magic with atronach birth sign, but.. nah
For more check
Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:14 pm
by Belthan
Sir Rowan wrote:...Money: One easy thing to do is just go to a cave, ruins, lair, etc, and just kill the whole bas and loot whats good. Be sure you have a feather spell cause your going to want to have a lot of stuff to sell or keep.
After the first few levels when you need every Septim and even a bolt of cloth seems worth stealing, if there's more loot than I can possibly carry and I don't want to make multiple trips I prioritize loot by its value-to-weight ratio. For example, silver forks, spoons & knives are 10 times more valuable by weight than silver plates & tankards. Likewise, a glass cuirass is more valuable than a daedric cuirass (unless you use heavy armor and plan to wear it). On paper, glass is only worth 1800 while daedric is worth 4800, but the most any merchant will pay you for either one is 1200 gold and the daedric cuirass weighs four times as much. But everybody has to find the balance of laziness and greed that works for them

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 4:20 am
by galraen
The easiest way to make money is making and selling potions, which is why it's a very bad idea to make it a major skill. It's even easier with WD's Auto harvest mod. Just collect your ingredients, station yourself next to the merchant with the lowest mercantile skill that buys ingredients and start making potions.
WD's Auto Harvest might be hard to find these days, Planet Elder Scrolls and TESNexus don't seem to be hosting it. I'd attqch it here but the zip file is too big. If anyone wants it pm me with your e-mail address and I'll send it to you.
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 12:08 pm
by Lemmus
Galrean, a Google search found this mod on Planet ES and elsewhere. The problem is that it was never updated for Shivering Isles, and on new install it causes the missing texture problem (large yellow inverted cones). If you want a copy for historical reasons, or if anyone wants to resurrect this mod, it's at
Auto Harvest [FLORA] - Planet Elder Scrolls .
TES Nexus has a link in the Comments section suggesting the OMOD version to players with texture issues with Autoharvest (
Auto Harvest FLORA OMOD at The Elder Scrolls Nexus - Oblivion mods and community ). That mod also suggests
Gather Ye Rosebuds at The Elder Scrolls Nexus - Oblivion mods and community as an alternative. GYR implements the autogather function as a spell.
Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:27 pm
by Belthan
If you're playing on a console or don't want to use mods, you can replenish alchemy supplies quickly by making the rounds of various farms every few game days. Some have more variety, some have more quantity. In any case this will yield mostly fruits & vegetables, not many flowers & herbs, so it's better suited to making potions for experience or profit than for making specific potions to actually use while adventuring. There are many such locations, but here are the ones I always hit when making the rounds because they're on a fairly straightforward route without much doubling back:
Whitmond Farm (north of Anvil)
Lord Drad's Estate (north of Anvil)
Shetcombe Farm (northeast of Kvatch)
Shardrock (between Kvatch and Skingrad)
Both vineyards, Tamika's & Surilie Brothers, west of Skingrad
Odiil Farm (southeast of Chorrol)
Aleswell (north of Imperial City)
Harm's Folly (between Bruma and Cheydinhal)
Harlun's Watch (south of Cheydinhal)
Drakelowe (south of Harlun's Watch)
Border Watch (between Bravil and Leyawiin)
Water's Edge (north of Leyawiin)