It Never Rains in Waukeen's Promenade
Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 9:10 pm
This is certainly not big in the grand scheme of things related to SOA but just something funny I noticed.
My apologies to Albert Hammond (wrote the song "It Never Rains in California).
I happened to notice quite a while back that when my party left an area of Athkatla where it was raining and went to Waukeen's promenade that the rain stopped. Didn't think anything of it at the time, just figured the rain had ended during the transition. But over time I kept noticing this anomaly more and more. Also noticed that the rain did continue when going to the other areas of the city.
Well, curiosity finally got the better of me in my most recent play through. It started raining as I entered the "Docks". So I went to every other part of Athkatla (not sticking around, just entering) except Waukeen's Promenade. Every other section was raining. I then went to Waukeen's Promemade and NO rain!! To make sure it hadn't ended I went back to the Docks and it was still raining. Back to Waukeen's, no rain. Graveyard again, yep, rain.
I guess the priests of Waukeen can use this to claim that she is still around!
LOL :laugh:
My apologies to Albert Hammond (wrote the song "It Never Rains in California).
I happened to notice quite a while back that when my party left an area of Athkatla where it was raining and went to Waukeen's promenade that the rain stopped. Didn't think anything of it at the time, just figured the rain had ended during the transition. But over time I kept noticing this anomaly more and more. Also noticed that the rain did continue when going to the other areas of the city.
Well, curiosity finally got the better of me in my most recent play through. It started raining as I entered the "Docks". So I went to every other part of Athkatla (not sticking around, just entering) except Waukeen's Promenade. Every other section was raining. I then went to Waukeen's Promemade and NO rain!! To make sure it hadn't ended I went back to the Docks and it was still raining. Back to Waukeen's, no rain. Graveyard again, yep, rain.
I guess the priests of Waukeen can use this to claim that she is still around!
LOL :laugh: