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Game Banshee when do u want to make a walkthrough for dragon age 2?

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:33 am
by Roointan
Game Banshee when do u want to make a walkthrough for dragon age 2?

thx for ur DAO ,Drakensang ,dungeon lords and neverwinter nights 1&2 walkthroughs ! i rly enjoyed them

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:32 am
by Roointan
i appreciate if u answer instead of viewing this thread
press post reply and post what u think about the title
isnt there any Estimated time?

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:48 am
by Darth Gavinius
I imagine they are currently working on it, it takes a lot of time and a lot of playthroughs to discover all the possibilities. Chances are they will release a walkthrough act by act but I wouldn't expect much of anything for another couple of weeks.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:52 am
by vio
as far as I'm aware their writers are unpaid volunteers, so will be working at their own speed. in the meantime you can always ask for tips on particular sections in the DA section of the forums, chances are good that somebody can help

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:33 am
by dragon wench
Welcome to Game Banshee. :)
As Vio explained above, the walkthroughs at Game Banshee are all written by unpaid volunteers with real lives to attend to. Also, writing a really good, detailed walkthrough is time consuming.

Further, people who post here also have real lives, do not expect that your thread will generate a response within the first few hours of posting, and do not bump said thread by demanding people answer you.

Again, as has been stated, you are welcome to ask questions in these forums should you need information about the game. Just please use the search engine first to make sure it hasn't already been asked.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:42 am
by Stworca
dragon wench wrote:
Further, people who post here also have real lives, do not expect that your thread will generate a response within the first few hours of posting
We do not have real lives, and thread won't generate any responses within first few days. Even if we do respond, we will disagree with anything you might say, and our "Unreadable walls of text" tactic never caused us to loose a single argument. Also each thread will eventually turn into a hot discussion about religion, politics and usage of cheddar in salad bars.

Overall we don't like any games, and state it clearly each time we have a chance to write more than one sentence. (As the first one is always about religion, politics or cheese).

Oh, and there's also Dragon Wench, who keeps reminding us that we are dirty spammers, offtoppers and trolls.
Welcome to Game Banshee. :)
Indeed, welcome to GB!

Use the search engine first to make sure it hasn't already been asked.
Has anyone, ever done that? Not on BG2 forums, that's for sure.

P.S. Wench, my lovely supermod, please, no eye-burning colors :)

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:49 am
by BuckGB
Roointan wrote:Game Banshee when do u want to make a walkthrough for dragon age 2?
We're working on a Dragon Age II walkthrough, but constructing a walkthrough for a game that takes 40+ hours just to play through is no easy task. On top of that, we're working on a review, skill database, equipment database, codex database, companion sections, and more. It all just takes an absurd amount of time, particularly when you're juggling other projects at the same time. Stay tuned :) .

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 11:24 am
by dragon wench
"P.S. Wench, my lovely supermod, please, no eye-burning colors"

Just as a distinction, I try to use red when I post as a moderator ;)

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 11:39 am
by Stworca
dragon wench wrote:"P.S. Wench, my lovely supermod, please, no eye-burning colors"

Just as a distinction, I try to use red when I post as a moderator ;)
Ah, so normaly you post as Joe, the truck driver? :)

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 12:39 pm
by Roointan
Thank you for your replies.
You're right I shouldn't expect any replies in a few hours after posting but I saw a lot of people just coming and viewing the post. But, they did not respond anything. I'm really sorry.

I was waiting for about 2 weeks to see a reliable walkthrough for DA2 but I haven't found one yet. :(
Thank you for making the walkthrough. Keep up the good work!
I'm looking forward to it ...

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 12:43 pm
by Stworca
Roointan wrote:Thank you for your replies.
You're right I shouldn't expect any replies in a few hours after posting but I saw a lot of people just coming and viewing the post. But, they did not respond anything. I'm really sorry.
Don't worry. My guide had 3500 views before someone replied to it. :laugh:
I wasn't too happy either.

Not to mention the LP, which waited there for three weeks, before i finally moved to another forum. (and many people were very happy, i am sure :D )

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 1:06 pm
by dragon wench
No worries at all :)
Sometimes people look at threads just because they are new, even though they don't intend to immediately reply. Or sometimes they just don't know the answers.
Also keep in mind that when you see a thread has views, they are not entirely the views of normal forum members but also bots or people who are looking to drop ads etc. into the forums.

Stworca wrote:Ah, so normaly you post as Joe, the truck driver? :)
Nope, "Joe The Plumber." :D

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 3:39 pm
by swcarter
I got my copy of DA2 about a week after the release, so it'll probably be a while before we have anything significant for a walkthrough. From what I've seen so far, most of the quests aren't especially complicated, so hopefully the walkthrough won't take too long to write (or at least not as long as the never-ending Fallout: New Vegas walkthrough, which I'm also responsible for).

If you have anything in particular you'd like to see in the walkthrough, feel free to post it here or send me a PM.


Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 10:29 am
by childofbhaal
DA2 is not a difficult or complicated game,the quests are barely better than MMO quests and they are all very short.spoiler:
I found only 1 not so obvious quest:
Forbidden Knowledge - Dragon Age Wiki

Walkthrough for the rest of the game:follow the yellow arrows and kill everything hostile(and dont worry about decisions,the result is almost always the same nvm which option you choose,the only exception is what you do with your sibling at the end of act 1)

the good guy answer gets you +friendship points
the bad guy answer gets you +rivalry points

Fenris hates mages and slavers.
Your mages hate templars.
Sarcastic answer gets you +friendship with Varric.
Asking for more money gets you +friendship with Isabella.

You need to get high friendship with Isabella (75+) and complete her act 2 questioning beliefs quest before you start the demand of the Qun quest chain(if you want happy end in act 2).

If you are playing on nightmare/hard difficulty avoid friendship with Isabella and Sebastian like the plague because a nasty bug will make your main character close to useless in battle(Isabella friendship:-attack speed(heard about -70%+),Sebastian friendship:-damage resistance.
Thats all you need to know about DA2.Search the DA2 wiki if needed but I doubt that you will need it often.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 10:23 am
by Roointan
Ty for reply but that wikia isnt enough
I need a complete walkthrough from gamebanshee because they write "what You should do step by step to make the best play out of that game" and they have best walkthroughs I ever found on internet.
Actually i know about that wiki but it doesnt tell what you have to say to each character in the game and a lot of other options you have during game play , but thank you for your attention and tell me about wiki .
But as you may know , It is about a month from when i post my thread on this forum and there isn't any progress on DA2 walkthrough yet.
sry my english isn't that good.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 3:31 pm
by swcarter
My understanding is that the DA2 subsite will open up really, really soon now. (The holdup has been the equipment database, and since the companion pages link to the walkthrough, and the walkthrough to the equipment database, we're trying to square everything away before opening the subsite.)


Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 9:29 am
by D0uble-D
Although the DA2 subsite has been released, great job as always.

I'd just like to say that i always make the playthrough without using walkthroughs, wikis or forums. So i don't see what's the rush in having the walkthrough available so soon after the release.

Further more, after finishing DA2 (or should i say generic action game for console platforms) i don't feel the tiniest bit interested in running the game again having all the information of the walkthrough, mainly for two reasons, the game is in itself repetitive, furthermore the game is so simple that nothing relevant was missed in my first playthrough.