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DOA - Baddest bad guy award goes too..

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:53 pm
by LastDanceSaloon
Without a doubt, for me, from beginning to end, the number one most irritating fearsome bad guy had to be...

The Darksporn Emissaries!

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:28 pm
by Rad
LastDanceSaloon wrote:Without a doubt, for me, from beginning to end, the number one most irritating fearsome bad guy had to be...

The Darksporn Emissaries!
It is really astonishing how many times I've been killed by one of those guys, mostly because I didn't see them when the battle started...

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 8:19 pm
by dragon wench
Whenever I'm ambushed by darkspawn or run into them, I always first hit Tab, just so I can see precisely where any emissaries might be lurking, at which point I cast Mana Clash if I have it :D

I also find the drakes that ambush you when you go into the goat pen area while doing Sacred Ashes quest to be a bit nasty, at least when you aren't expecting them. I find the best way to handle those is to keep the party back in the previous cave and have Dog run into the drake cave to lure them toward the rest of the group.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:24 pm
by Rad
dragon wench wrote:Whenever I'm ambushed by darkspawn or run into them, I always first hit Tab, just so I can see precisely where any emissaries might be lurking, at which point I cast Mana Clash if I have it :D
Oh, I eventually learned that lesson. Even a broken watch is right twice a day...:laugh:

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 12:59 am
by LastDanceSaloon
Ah yes, indeed! I lost count of the times I would be ploughing through some Hurlocks and Genlocks with 50% life left thinking "Cool, looks like I wont be wasting any Health Poltices with this lot" when, all of a sudden, Chain Lightning comes crashing through my entire squad from nowhere because an emissary has run into the screen while I'm all over the shoulder close up and personal in a melee bundle.

I would also like to say that the slow motion animation of Oghren dealing the final blow to the Archdemon with the Yusaris sword is quite possibly the best grand finale animation I have ever seen in a game and will live with me always - of all the characters, Oghren really, really desrved that one, almost made me weep :o