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Shameless Originality!

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 4:15 pm
by LastDanceSaloon
Scary stuff I know, but always good for soundboarding some refreshing ideas.

1) How about an RPG where, when you crash through the doors containing the mysterious master X (the end-of-game boss) instead of a 300ft demon you find a 1hd Goblin that's committed suicide and all his/her cronies are flapping around begging for mercy and thanking you for freeing them from his/her terrible hold over them?

2) How about an RPG that has no main quest whatsoever and you are quite literally a hero for hire, whereby some of the quests might require a higher level to complete but none specifically end the game.

3) How abount an RPG which has no side quests whatsoever and you are quite literally fighting/sneaking/talking your way through a very long hostile landscape, say fleeing a city that is under attack and making your way through chaos to the one that's recruiting for the fight-back.

4) How abount an RPG where you are the town's beast slayer and the game has very small side quests with minimal battle involvement that you perform in order to find the necessary artifacts to slay whichever beast you choose needs hunting down next, a sort of game of 100 epic confrontations and virtually none of the meat grinding.

I've no doubt you've all had 'crazy' ideas before, I'd be delighted to hear them!